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Girlfriend Discovers Her Boyfriend Donated His Sperm to an Old High School Flame Without Telling Her—Turns Out That Isn’t All He Wasn’t Sharing

We’ve all heard heartbreaking stories of betrayal in romantic relationships, but this one is especially astounding. One woman discovered that her boyfriend of five months secretly donated sperm to an ex. 

The outraged girlfriend took to Reddit to dish on the entire experience, starting with his casual mention of an old flame that wanted him to father her future child. The woman began by explaining how she first learned about her boyfriend’s high school friend.

Girlfriend Discovers Her Boyfriend Donated His Sperm to an Old High School Flame Without Telling Her—Turns Out That Isn't All He Wasn't Sharing | “Upon further questioning, I found out that he had slept with her at some point after high school (while she and her girlfriend were on a break), that he had donated his sperm to her in early December."

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“He’d mentioned early on in the relationship that he had a friend from high school who had been in a relationship with a woman (she was bisexual) for most of high school, but [that they] had made an ‘agreement’ back then that if she wanted to have a child, she’d want my boyfriend to father the child.” 

Girlfriend Discovers Boyfriend Donated Sperm to His Old High School Flame Without Telling Her


However, it was when her boyfriend kept bringing up the past agreement that she started sensing something was up. “Fast forward to this past weekend. These conversations were coming up what seemed like every hour. I finally asked who this friend was and my boyfriend identified her on Facebook.”

That’s when the woman discovered that her boyfriend been leaving out a major part of the story. “Upon further questioning, I found out that he had slept with her at some point after high school (while she and her girlfriend were on a break), [and] that he had donated his sperm to her in early December.”


The woman continued, writing “that they had been communicating regularly without me knowing, that he has avoided hanging out with her in fear of his ‘feelings for her coming back’, that she has no idea about me, that he’s attracted to her, and that she’s 10 weeks pregnant.”

The boyfriend then told her that he now wants to be in the child’s life and is asking her to do the same. “He says he’s calm and relaxed despite my being completely distraught, and that once the baby is born it will ‘hit him’. He wants me to be okay with this situation and to [treat] his child like my own– but I can’t bring myself to do that.”

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The girlfriend then went on to ask the Reddit community for advice. “Am I being a jerk for feeling duped? How would you go about this situation?”

Readers were quick to jump in and encourage her to get out of the situation, with many warning that he is likely cheating on her. Sadly, in an update, the woman verified that their suspicions were correct, her boyfriend was cheating on her with the woman who is carrying his child.

“He admitted to cheating,” she wrote in an update. “I don’t want to get involved at all, and eventually karma will get him.” Woah.

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