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25 Glowing Girl Names That Start With Cas

Choosing a name for your baby girl can be a real challenge but having a place to start makes the task much more manageable. Girl names that start with Cas are not as prevalent as you might expect. In fact, there are only a couple dozen of them that are established options. That means narrowing down the list of potential baby names with be so much easier for you.

Girl names that start with Cas are more often than not storied monikers that have a history in mythology and folklore. These magical names can come from all around the world from a variety of naming traditions. We’ve rounded up some of the best of the best for you to have some distinct and inspired potential appellations. Let’s go!

Discover the Best Girl Names That Start With Cas Below!


Girl Names That Start With Cas

Cassandra names the tragic Greek mythological Trojan princess who was given the gift of prophecy by Apollo, but was condemned never to be believed. The name originated in Greek and means “she who excels men.”


Cassidy is a name of Irish origin that means “curly-haired.” The appellation exploded in popularity in the US in the 1990s and has fallen in popularity over the last decade. We still feel this is an excellent, unisex option.


A bit of a mouthful, Cassiopeia names a Greek mythological mother of Andromeda who became a constellation in the night sky. For parents who love stars and all things space, this could be a worthy option. Further, you get the desirable nickname, Cass.


Casey is an Irish surname that parents love to use as a given one. The name peaked in popularity in the late 1980s and 1990s and has slipped far down the popularity charts in recent years. You can help remedy that! This appellation means “brave in battle.”


Cascadia is an ancient name of Latin origin that means “falling” or “woman of the waterfall.” It’s one of a couple of girl names that start with Cas that contains the Latin root that means “to fall.”


Casin is a unisex surname that parents are turning to as a first name. The name was brought to England following a Norman conquest. The name stems from de Cassagne, the name of the House of the Lords of Montagu. They were an esteemed family from the province of Bearne, France.


One of our favorite girl names that start with Cas, Cassia was first used by the ancient Greeks as a term for a “cassia tree” which is similar to cinnamon. The name was used again by the ancient Romans as a female form of the name Cassius. That family name has a root that means “hollow.” Due to the two different origins, the name can be pronounced CASS-ee-a or CASH-a.


Castiel is a name of Hebrew origin that has traditionally been given to baby boys. It’s a mildly popular option for them today. However, we think Castiel works just as well for a baby girl. The root of the name means “my shield is God” or “my cover is God.”


St Casilda of Toledo was a Moorish princess who later converted to Christianity. It’s one of the more obscure girl names that start with Cas. It has two potential origins. One is from Germanic tradition, meaning “battle.” Another, more probable origin, is a Hispanization (Castilianization) of an Arabic name, Qasida, meaning “ode” or “messenger.” It’s the perfect alternative to Matilda.


Casimir is a traditional name of Polish kings that was once popular in the US before the 1950s. Casimira is a feminization of the name and it means “destroyer of peace” or “declaration of peace.” You get a couple of awesome nicknames from this appellation in Cassi and Mira.


Cason is a modern American invention. It’s a unisex option that goes to more boys than girls but we count it amount the girl names that start with Cas. It’s generally accepted to be a combination of Case and Jason thus the name has the combo meaning of “bringer of peace” and “healer.”


Cassandrea is related to Cassandreia or Kassandreia which was once one of the most important cities in Ancient Macedonia, founded by and named after King Cassander in 316 BCE. Cassander is the masculine form of Cassandra and all three names (Cassandra, Cassander, and Cassandrea) all mean “one who excels men.”


Cashmere is a word name that comes from Kashmir, an ancient Sanskrit word that means “desiccated land.” The wool fabric of the same name comes from treasured goats. The name has yet to fully take off in the US but we see plenty of potential for it among these girl names that start with Cas.


Cass is a diminutive form of Cassandra or Cassia that works as a sort of nickname name. If you know you’re going to call your little one Cass, skip the formality and get right to the point.

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Castalia is a Spanish name related to the Greek name Katherine. Thus, the name means “pure.” In Greek mythology, Castalia was the name of a nymph who threw herself into or was transformed into a spring to evade the pursuit of Apollo.


Castalina is the diminutive form of the previous name. In Greek, the element “Lina” is translated to mean “sunlight.” That means this name has the combo meaning of “pure” and “sunlight.”


Another one of our favorite girl names that start with Cas, Castora has two possible origins. It could be a feminization of the Greek name, Castor, meaning “pious one.” It could also be from the Spanish surname Cuesta which is a topographic name that means “from the slope” or “from the bank.”


Also spelled Cachet, Cashet is a name of French origin that means “prestigious.” A mildly popular choice in France today, Cashet would be a distinct choice for an American girl.


One of the girl names that start with Cas that is related to the Latin name Cascadia, meaning “falling,” is the word name, Cascade. It evokes images of rushing waterfalls.


Pronounced cass-IF-ee-ah or cass-ih-FEE-ah, Casiphia names a Biblical place that’s referred to by the Old Testament prophet, Ezra. It is of Hebrew origin and means “place of the treasury.” The name is likely derived from the Hebrew,  keceph meaning “silver, money.”


Cassiane is a name of Greek origin that’s related to the name Cassia. Casiiane gives a delightful “Anne” ending which we imagine will appeal to many parents. The name can be spelled several different ways including Cassian,Kassiani, or Kasiani,


Cassava is a nature name that can be attributed to both Portuguese and Taino traditions. It names a type of tapioca. The woody shrub is also commonly called yuca.


Castro is an Iberian surname (including Portuguese, Spanish, and Galician) that comes from a Latin root meaning “fortress” or “castle.”


Cassandre is a diminutive form of one of the most popular girl names that start with Cas, Cassandra. It shares the same meaning as that name but has a unique ending sound that offers some variety that would stand out for all the right reasons.

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Casse is one of the girl names that start with Cas that’s related to the Irish name, Casey. Thus, it means “brave in battle.” We love the casual-cool sound this appellation offers.

There you go! Now you know some beautiful girl names that start with Cas. We hope the options serve you well and that you’ll consider them for your baby girl. Choosing a name can be a chore but knowing where you want to start is a great way to narrow down the possibilities. Happy baby name hunting!

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