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Name Your Baby with Gigi Hadid Baby Names Inspired by Khai

Do you love beautiful, Arabic baby names? If so, you should consider what we are calling “Gigi Hadid Baby Names” which are simply appellations that are similar to the one she chose for her daughter, Khai. Khai is a timeless Arabic classic that still sounds fresh and new today. We wanted to discover other names that are similar so we researched popular Arabic baby names that parents are choosing today.

We found so many gorgeous Gigi Hadid baby names to share with you that carry with them the gentle strength of a name like Khai. Some of these appellations will be familiar to you while others might be new treasures just waiting for you to discover them. Check out the stunning baby names we found below!

Check Out These Gigi Hadid Baby Names Inspired by Khai!


Name Your Baby with Gigi Hadid Baby Names Inspired by Khai

Khai is the Gigi Hadid baby name that she chose for her daughter born in September of 2020. Khai is of Arabic origin and means “benevolence.”


One of the most popular Arabic names for girls in the US, Layla, has a Semitic root that means “night. We think this would be one of the Gigi Hadid baby names that she’d approve!


Aaliyah is the female variation of Aali, a masculine Arabic name that means “high” or “exalted.” Like Layla, Aaliyah is a top-100 pick in the United States.


Zara has zesty appeal! This Semitic name is found in both Arabic and Hebrew traditions as an appellation meaning “blooming flower” or “God remembers.” Don’t let the fashion brand steer you away from choosing this beautiful name.


A name that once belonged to an Ancient Egyptian princess, Nyla has an Arabic root that means “winner.” We think this winner is definitely one of the Gigi Hadid baby names.


The name of the mother of the prophet Muhammad, Amina is well used among Muslims around the world. This gorgeous name means “trustworthy” and “faithful.”


One of the four perfect women named in the Koran, Fatima proves a charming option. The name is given to more than 1000 Muslim-American girls each year, Nameberry reports. The Arabic roots of this name mean “captivating” and “a woman who abstains.”


A strong Arabic name that’s popular around the world but especially in East Africa is Imani. This handsome name means “faith.”


Aisha is Muhammad’s favorite wife in the Koran, making this lovely name and its myriad variations vastly popular among Muslims and also African-Americans. Aisha can be found in Arabic and Swahili as a name that means “living” and “prosperous.”


Amirah is the feminine form of Amir, meaning “princess.” This noble name is hugely popular among Muslim families around the world. We’re certain this is one of the Gigi Hadid baby names that she’d approve of.


A name that’s in use from Brazil to Saudi Arabia, Yara is a multi-cultural hit! The name belongs to a Brazilian goddess among others but its Arabic translation means “friend” and “helper.” This is one truly understated and sophisticated option!


An Arabic name with a winning meaning comes in the form of Kamilah which you will hear often in the Middle East. Kamilah means “perfect” and we can’t argue with that!


Appearing in the top-1000 list of popular baby names for the first time in the US in 2015, Noor is a sleeper hit of a name. The appellation means “night.” The elegant Queen Noor of Jordan is one such namesake. Given that this name is a single syllable like Khai, we imagine it fits in with other Gigi Hadid baby names.


If you’re after a baby name with the most romantic meaning, look no further than the dazzling Samira. The appellation means “companion in evening conversation” which is just about as intriguing as they come. The name has been a top-1000 pick by new parents off and on since 2002.

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If you’re after a name that’s an alternative to Mariah, consider the rhythmic option Bariah. This bubbly Arabic name means “does well.” That feels like a great meaning to saddle a newborn with!

Keep Reading for Even More Gigi Hadid Baby Names Inspired by Khai!


Pronounced, zah-EE-dah, Zaida might throw some folks when it comes to proper pronunciation. But, if you’re a patient parent, this should not be an issue for you! Zaida has a rich meaning in “prosperous.”


A blessed name, Shakira’s Arabic roots mean “woman of grace” and “thankful.” The Columbian-born singer with this name caused it to trend in the 1990s and early 2000s but it hasn’t landed in the top-1000 since 2006.


A name we’re sure would make the list of Gigi Hadid baby names, Rana means “to gaze at longingly,” beautiful,” and “queen-like.” Who could be made at any one of those meanings? Rana has never made the US top-1000 list which makes it a hidden gem of a name!


Nadira is the feminine form of Nadir, which means “precious” and “rare.” Nadira has never been popular in the US but you can help change that! Spread the beauty of this name all around!


An extremely playful-sounding name, Lulu, comes from Arabic and Urdu and means “pearls” and “soothing.” Lulu was once an extremely popular name in the US as a diminutive form of Louise or Lucy. But, it hasn’t landed in the top-1000 since 1939. Dust of this vintage treasure!


Farah is a gentle and evocative Arabic name, best known here in this original spelling via the last Empress of Iran, Farah Pahlavi. The appellation means “happiness.”


Aanisah can also be spelled Anisa, as Macy Gray chose to do for her daughter. However you decide to spell it, the name means “benevolent” and “good-natured.”


A rare find even among Arabic speakers, Cantara feels romantic and moody as a name for a baby girl. This charmer means “little bridge” which is well worth crossing.


Certainly one of the Gigi Hadid baby names, Issa’s Arabic root means “strong-willed.” Surprisingly, the name is also a form of Jesus, and thus, can also mean “the Lord is salvation.”

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An excellent alternative to Jada, Jaeda’s meaning is one of the most unusual on this list. The name means “long-necked beauty.” Others suggest the name means “goodness.” Either way, this name is good to go!

There you go! We hope you enjoyed this list of Gigi Hadid baby names and will consider some of the options we shared with you for your daughter. There’s no wrong or right way to go about choosing a baby name so feel free to turn to celebs you love for inspiration. Khai is truly a remarkable choice and you’d be wise to go with it or any other appellations on this list! Happy baby name hunting!

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