Mamas Uncut

Is It Normal for a Girl to Start Her Period at Just 8- or 9-Years-Old?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her daughter starting her period. This mom says she took her daughter to the doctor for her 8-year checkup. During the examination, the doctor warned that girls are more commonly getting their periods at just 8 or 9 years old, which has this mom worried. She is concerned that her daughter will struggle with difficult periods, which would be especially hard at that age. She is also worried something may be wrong, based on some internet research she’s done. Any advice for this mom?

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What Age Do Girls Typically Start Getting Their Periods?

A member of the community asks:

“Did anyone’s daughter start their period around 8 or 9?

Has anyone’s daughter ever started their period at age 8 or 9? I took my daughter for her eight-year check up the other day, and the doctor was already seeing pubic hair and warned me that girls now are starting around eight years old. She’s still a baby! I know how horrible I feel about my period and don’t want my eight-year-old to go through this.

We have talked about it, and she’s prepared for it. But I’ve been researching, and it can mean nothing, or it can mean other things are wrong. What is your experience with it? Help, please! I’m freaking out.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Is Concerned About Her 8-Year-Old Daughter Starting Her Period

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

Is It Normal for a Girl to Start Her Period at Just 8- or 9-Years-Old?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“Yes. My daughter started a month after she turned 9. A few months before that I talked to her about everything that happens with her body and when she gets a period and how to use a pad etc. So once the day came, she wasn’t scared or worried, she knew what it was. We have a collection of different pads, heating pads, Tylenol, and specific underwear and clothes for this for her to be comfy. we have a snack drawer too for cravings and she’s allowed to miss a few days of school so she’s not uncomfortable.”

“My daughter started her period at 5. It was horrible. I was terrified that it was something else so we went straight to the doc. Doc said it was too early, 10 or 11 was the norm. It was so hard to explain. I don’t think she understood. She gets shots every month to stop her from getting it and going through puberty. I was 14 when I got mine so this was new to me.”

“I got mine at 9 and when I tell you it felt like someone was stabbing me in my stomach I’d scream and cry because of the pain and nobody would do anything. Don’t be the parent to tell everyone ‘she’s on her period’ because that was the most hurtful thing growing up when nobody would understand the actual pain.”

“She was 8 and was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes, 9 when she started. She was told everything and I mean everything. She had to be aware of her body and know how to take care of herself at a young age. You need to lose your worry and be honest. Your worry, (problems) shouldn’t be hers. And if you don’t have the answers both of you need to ask a reliable source. Celebrate it!”

“I started my periods 2 weeks after my 10th birthday. I didn’t understand what was happening and I used to forget when I was due. I was so embarrassed about going to school having to take pads etc. If I could suggest anything it would be to tell her teacher so she is allowed to leave the classroom for the toilet whenever needed, and perhaps write her predicted period dates on the calendar so you can both be ready and prepared each month.”

“My oldest started at 9. She’s healthy, although slightly overweight now (she was underweight back then). Around age 13, she started having heavy periods with bad cramps, and her doctor suggested birth control. It has helped tremendously. Your daughter should be fine. When she starts, just make her doctor aware of it. The only downside is that you have to deal with teen mood swings and PMS sooner.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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