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Viral Gender Reveal Parody Video Is a Hilarious Reminder That ‘Gender Is a Construct’

Viral Gender Reveal Parody Video Is a Hilarious Reminder That 'Gender Is a Construct'

Whether or not you’re pro-gender reveal party or adamantly against the newly popular tradition, you’ve got to admit that things have gotten a bit out of hand. From explosions to wildfires, the fanfare used to reveal an unborn child’s gender has become quite dramatic and, in some cases, dangerous. 

The latest viral gender reveal video mocks the entire trend, as the celebration leaves partygoers choking on green smoke. 

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Watch the viral gender reveal video that feels like a mini horror movie.

It starts out as your stereotypical gender reveal party with an expecting couple standing in a room filled with excited friends and family members. The dad-to-be even adds, “Here’s hoping for a linebacker, am I right fellas?”

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After a countdown, the couple opens a smoke bomb. Instead of the gender-signifying blue or pink smoke, the device releases a green smoke. 

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‘Gender is a construct.’

The party quickly becomes chaotic, with partygoers screaming and choking on the smoke. Some are even bleeding from the mouth and eventually pass out.

Not to worry, as the video is a parody with a simple message displayed at the end: “Gender is a construct.”


Created by the Toronto-based comedy group This Might Be Funny, the prank video serves as a commentary on the wildly popular gender trend.

“We just thought it would be funny to poke fun at this cultural obsession with gender reveal parties by having a group of unsuspecting white people have a result that isn’t within the regular binary, but that also could be tear gas,” the group shared with Romper

“We’ve had so many people comment their interpretations of the video and we’re just so happy that people are enjoying it!”

And enjoy it we do.

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