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Gay Penguins Heartlessly Steal Eggs from Lesbian Penguins, Hurting the LGBTQ Ornithological Community Writ Large

Cancel your plans because the queer drama in the penguin world has been elevated to new heights. In Amersfoort, Netherlands, you’ll find the DierenPark Zoo which is home to the liveliest Dutch LGBTQ ornithological community.

Two male penguins recently stole a nest’s worth of eggs from a lesbian couple of African penguins and, naturally, the details surrounding the heist are completely bananas.

Two gay penguins who desperately wanted to have children stole a lesbian couple’s eggs. And, it’s not the first time they’ve kidnapped eggs!

The zoo notified the public of the egg-pilfering on social media with a levelheadedness that belies the severity of the birds’ crimes.

“Special news!” the zoo shared and we’ve translated to English. “Our park’s penguin gay couple has taken an entire nest from a lesbian penguin couple this year. Homosexuality is more common in this bird species. Both birds nest on the eggs, alternately guarding the nest!”

Gay Penguins Heartlessly Steal Eggs from Lesbian Penguins
DierenPark / Instagram

According to Fatherly, the outlet who caught the story, zookeepers often give same-sex, penguin couples eggs when they start exhibiting certain signs of parenting FOMO.

Penguin-keepers know to look for “nests” that are essentially mounds of pebbles that the waddlers build. You might have been wondering how that lucky lesbian couple got their eggs. They are transplanted to the couple’s nest by the humans at the zoo.

DierenPark / Instagram

Since the stealing of the eggs, the couple has been taking turns keeping their contraband warm. When they’re not sitting on eggs, they spend their days hunting fish. They have carried on as if the eggs belonged to them. What’s so unfortunate is that the gay penguins did not learn from their previous sins. Last year, the pair stole one egg from a different penguin family. So, they’re actually feeling emboldened at this point.

DierenPark / Instagram

The egg they stole last year, unfortunately, didn’t hatch because it wasn’t fertilized which is probably going to happen again as it’s a common practice to find unfertilized eggs are typically given to same-sex penguins when they seem like they want children. What sort of sick place is this zoo? This is a lose-lose situation for all parties involved.

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DierenPark / Instagram

We’re not sure as to why same-sex parents are not given the opportunity to hatch fertilized eggs. The great people of the Netherlands need to free their minds!

We hope that, by no act of stealing, these beautiful queer penguins will someday happen on a fertilized egg to call their own. We’d love nothing more than to learn of the egg robbers getting what they so desperately want without having to resort to such savage tactics.

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