Mamas Uncut

Between 7 Baby Mamas And A Secret Son, Future and Diplo Had One Hectic Mother’s Day

Image via Instagram

Diplo and Future had quite the announcement(s) when it came to Mother’s Day. While Future posted six Mother’s Day messages to Twitter, Diplo announced his “entire a** baby” who he has yet to meet.

Father to multiple kiddos, Future decided to tweet off six “Happy Mother’s Day” posts to six of his baby mamas, including Ciara but not including his eldest’s partner, Jessica Smith, who sued him for child support in 2016. OOPH.

Future first reached out to India J. with: “Happy Mother’s Day India..such a great mother and always putting the kids 1st..u keep me sane and I’m forever grateful for u, Thank u,” beginning his tweet-series.

He then  thanked Brittni Mealy for “holding [his] PRINCE down,” his son Kash’s mother, whose identity is private. Moving onto Ciara, who ended their engagement in 2014 and sued him in 2016, he kept things short: “Happy Mother’s Day Ci..Baby Future is Life, Preciate u.”

Followed by a shout out to Joie Chavismother to 1-year-old Hendrix, to which Future shared: “Joie thank u for being an incredible mom…u holding it down! Real one,stay solid HAPPY MOTHERS DAY.”

Future And Diplo Had A Hectic Mother's Day
Image via Twitter

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And last but not least, he spoke of a potential seventh mama: “Paris,” he added a red heart emoji, “your mom deserve it! Happy Mother’s Day mami.”

But it was not all rainbows and butterflies as the two women who recently sued him over paternity, Eliza Reign (mother to Reign Wilburn) and Cindy Parker (Legend Wilburn’s mom), did not get posts acknowledging them. Womp-womp.

Future has repeatedly denied Reign’s claim while Parker dropped her suit in 2020, potentially due to a settlement.

Adding to the baby mama drama was Diplo who revealed on Sunday how he is the father of former Miss Universe contestant Jevon King’s son.

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At the end of a post that was dedicated to both his mom and ex Kathryn Lockhart (maybe Future should have taken a page out of Diplo’s book) the cowboy posted a photo of King kissing their newborn.

While that particular post did not address the new addition, he did follow up with more details in a separate post on Monday.

“So I had an entire a** baby during quarantine,” he said. “I was hesitant to post him because not only does he already had a better haircut than me.. But also because I [haven’t] met him yet since we are separated by a million miles and closed borders.”

“His name is Pace, he and his mommy are super healthy and happy and I’m going to meet them as soon as we turn a corner on this world shutdown.”

And you thought your family was complicated…

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