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15 Hilarious Wedding Fails as Shared by Twitter Users

15 Hilarious Wedding Fails as Shared by Twitter Users

Weddings are fun. Wedding fails are funny.

Your wedding day is an occasion that you spend months planning. You research the perfect venue, choose a beautiful dress, attend delicious cake tastings, and put together the detailed guest list. Of course, there are so many things you can’t plan for which can lead to some unfortunate incidences that you’ll hopefully remember as entertaining.

For your enjoyment, we’ve pulled together some of the most memorable wedding fails.

15 Funny Wedding Fails As Shared by Twitter Users

This is one way to make sure the wedding is appropriately blessed.

Hopefully the couple was alright with the surprise photoshop!

A unique way to make your wedding day memorable.

Not sure it’s the kind of two-for-one special the couple was going for.

Never, ever get close to an animal during a photoshoot.

The resulting photos were probably not exactly what you were going for.

Kids’ honesty can be downright brutal.

Entertaining, but brutal.

When you’ve gotta go, you’ve gotta go.

To be fair, he probably didn’t know where the restroom even is.

Don’t worry – that bruise can be photoshopped right out.

A good reminder not to play contact sports before the big day.

When you get married in a public place, you can’t plan for everything.

The dog just wanted you to leave you something to remember him by.

In the time before cellphones, it was a bit harder to make it to the church on time.

Luckily she finally made it, though!

Everyone needs a snack after a few glasses of champagne.

Butter isn’t always one’s first choice, but it is delicious.

Outdoor weddings can be hazardous.

Beware the bees.

Even in inclement weather, you’ve got to double-check that you’re at the right event.

Hopefully no one saw them “stealing” the card.

The playlist at a wedding can really set the mood.

Though typically you want people to be happy…

A bad omen.

Always, always double-check animal care directions.

When the custom centerpieces don’t work out according to plan.

Just tell everyone you were going for a tie-dye look.

It’s so important to double-check the date.

Do you still need to get a gift if you only met them for drinks the next day?

Of course, even if it’s a situation that falls into the wedding “fail” category, it doesn’t mean the whole event is a failure. In fact, sometimes the fails make the event all that more memorable. Whatever happens, the most important thing is that you can start enjoying your happily-ever-after once you leave the reception.

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