Mamas Uncut

‘Slept In Today; Kids Started Arguing About the Wii at 6:32 instead of 6:30’ and 24 More Funny Parenting Tweets From @Six_Pack_Mom

Hey, parents, are you in need of a little comic relief? Stephanie Ortiz AKA @Six_Pack_Mom never fails to keep us laughing. The mom-of-six honestly documents the ups and downs of mom life, in 280 characters or less, in a never-ending stream of funny parenting tweets.

Whether she’s stumbling upon her children’s latest mess or feeding the family holiday candy for breakfast, we could not possibly relate more to her daily struggles. If you’re looking for some levity to get you through the days, give her a follow! We’ve rounded up our favorite 25 tweets from the funny writer-mama behind the beloved @Six_Pack_Mom account for your enjoyment.

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Top 25 Funny Parenting Tweets by Stephanie Oritz aka @Six_Pack_Mom

'Slept In Today; Kids Started Arguing About the Wii at 6:32 instead of 6:30' and 24 More Hilarious Parenting Tweets From @Six_Pack_Mom

Thief of Joy

At least the endless sibling arguments are bringing happiness to someone.

Made With Love

We’ve had those delicious peanut butter hearts, so no judgment here, Valentine.

Painful Parenting

Ouch, this one hurts. Epidural, please?!

Eggcellent Mess Makers

That feeling when you know you’re about to walk into an epic mess.

Lazy Little Genius

Isn’t amazing how resourceful children become when attempting to avoid chores?

Snap, Crackle, Pop

If it means a couple of minutes in the bathroom alone, we’ll take some cereal dust.

Sibling Shockers

Ah few things compare to the joys of a solid sibling prank.

Summer Management

We’re also wearing swimsuits for clothing and eating popsicles for breakfast. Everything is FINE.

The Ultimate Punishment

“No more screens!” Why do we hurt ourselves just to prove a point?

Gifts of Boys

You never know what you’ll find when cohabitating with boys, am I right?

Fully Developed Character

One of the beautiful things about parenting is we’re allowed to be hypocrites 99% of the time.

Vacuums For Everyone

Now try turning it into a contest and you have a solid cleaning crew!

Too Blessed To Stress

Two minutes of pure bliss. We’d say this mama is living the dream.

Pool Tricks

When you’ve said “Wow!” a thousand times and it’s not even noon.

Headaches For Days

Going to see live music isn’t what it used to be.

Happy Mother’s Day

We’re guessing you’re going to also clean up the “we made you breakfast” mess as well, mom.

Remain Seated

There is also the “I don’t want to clean my room” whine and the “my brother hit me” scream. Don’t be fooled.

Spa Day

We’re thinking more dental work is in order for this exhausted mom.

Hold The Onion

The attention to detail at dinnertime is unmatched.

Leftovers Again?

Sometimes the littlest people come up with the most epic burns.

How Dare You

Nothing like a teen’s wildly changing moods to keep you on your toes.

Pedicure Please

Sometimes this job can be downright disgusting.

RIP Rodents

It seems that no rodent will ever be able to replace Teddy and Rhino, so don’t you dare even try.

Librarian Curse

Oh great, another loud object to bring into our home!

Nipple Dots

It does have a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?

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