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‘A Cheesecake Factory Menu Counts as Summer Reading for Your Kids’ and 24 More Funny Parenting Tweets by Rodney Lacroix

'A Cheesecake Factory Menu Counts as Summer Reading for Your Kids' and 24 More Funny Parenting Tweets by Rodney Lacroix

Author and dad Rodney Lacroix has been keeping us laughing throughout quarantine with his funny parenting tweets. Whether he’s advocating for alcohol in the back-to-school section or cleaning mustard off of the family dog, he definitely gets it. And his non-stop stream of hilarious parenting tweets proves it.

If you’re in need of a laugh or looking to commiserate, give @RodLacroix a follow and enjoy our top 25 funny tweets from this funny dad below.

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25 Funny Parenting Tweets by Rodney Lacroix aka @RodLacroix

Cheers to Parenting

At this rate, we’ll all be drunk by noon.

Musical Theater

Now is the time to form a percussion group!

Again, Shut the Door

When did we become our parents?

Slime Time

Well, this is absolutely not going to end well.

Parents Need Supplies Too

We’re thinking a nice IPA selection next to the crayons would be ideal.

Cause for Celebration

Everyday is a holiday when you’re stuck inside with your family, right?

Germ Busters

Have you seen their rooms?

Micro(wave) Manager

Anyone up for expired bacon and runny eggs?

Hot Dog

Fostering a sense of independence comes at a price.

Snapple Storytime

In our family, we encourage both hydration and literacy.

One Salad, Hold the Greens

So many hours of hearing all of their complaints.

Pick Your Battles

Give them some form of cheese and carbs and ask no questions.

Bottom Feeders

Maybe it’s best if we don’t ask too many questions.

The Audacity

If you insult this dad, he’s going to steal your childhood magic.

Menu Musings

Plus, it teaches them about nutrition and extreme portion sizes!

Bless You

To ensure your survival, it’s essential that you run out of the home in these moments.

Survival Plan

We’re pretty sure there are bits of granola bars under those seats as well.

Tooth Fairy Mama

Emergency: there is an abundance of teeth in the sock drawer.

Pizza Party

No need to be a chef tonight. Just give them what they want.

Adulting Realities

When you’re finished with those, you can also respond to all of our work emails.

Zoom Vibes

We’ve come to expect an excessive amount of tears and screams on our calls.

Don’t You Dare

Can we please just have this time, early risers?

Family Game Time

We all need a little time to escape right now.

Kids or Raccoons?

You should see how they open the chip bag.

Invite Declined

Please do not bring your family “to work” today.

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