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19 Funny and Relatable Parenting Tweets That Will Make You Feel Seen

Funny Parenting Tweet Banana

Knowing we aren’t going through this whole parenting thing alone is a good feeling. It’s nice to feel seen. These 19 funny parenting tweets do just that.

Sure, maybe we “should” be putting away the laundry or catching up on our reading, but after a long day of parenting, we like to unwind with the people who get it, in 280 characters or less. Thanks to the most hilarious moms and dads on Twitter, we feel less alone in the parenting madness.

Shake the guilt, grab a drink, and curl up with that beloved iPhone, because we’re here to round up the latest hilarious parenting tweets. Here are the top tweets that made us laugh, weep, and nod in solidarity.

Loooong Weekend Survival

RELATED: 13 Hilarious Parenting Tweets That Really Sum Up the Whole Experience

Potty Mouth Mamas

Lego Witticisms

Go the F to Sleep

“I’m Starving!!”

Miss Independent

The Game of Life

They’ll Never Know the Struggle

Skincare Goals

Mama Tried

Parenting Is the New Black

Reality Royalty

Millennial Intolerance

Mother Knows Best

See, don’t you feel seen now? Isn’t it nice to know that we are all going through this, and it’s absurd for every last one of us?

So next time you’re feeling bogged down by all of the hard stuff, remember that there are so many other people going through it. Learning to spot the humor in the craziness is a time-proven remedy for parents everywhere. Thanks for the laughs!

Be sure to come back next week for more funny parenting tweets! Now, back to stepping on Legos…

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