Mamas Uncut

‘Is It the Rona or Is It Because He’s Eaten Nothing But Fruit Snacks for the Last 8 Hours?’ and 24 More Funny Parenting Tweets From @MommaJessieC

We cannot get enough of the daily musings of Twitter queen and mom-of-four @MammaJessieC. Whether she’s battling the microwave or scaring her family with the threat of a sugar detox, we guarantee you’ll love her latest funny parenting tweets.

Jessie is keeping it real and we are here for it. We’ve pulled together her top 25 most hilarious parenting tweets for your enjoyment. The years are short, but the days are long. We might as well laugh together.

'Is It the Rona or Is It Because He’s Eaten Nothing But Fruit Snacks for the Last 8 Hours?' and 24 More Funny Parenting Tweets From @MommaJessieC

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25 Funny Parenting Tweets from @MommaJessieC

Dangerous Territory

Just reading this makes us fearful for the backs of our ankles.

The Ultimate Quest

That feeling when they’re all sold out of 1″ notebooks and you’ve officially been defeated.

Our Legacy

We’re pretty sure that blanket never made anyone laugh, right?

Attention WebMD

Those snacks contain some real fruit juice, correct?

Kitchen Closed

We’re pretty sure you can fend for yourself today, kiddos. Mama Chef is taking the day off.

Laundry Wars

Don’t pay any attention to that basket of freshly washed and folded laundry, family! It will put itself away.

Suds and Stories

We also have the sudden urge to ask, “But why?” every three minutes.

Detox Monster

No one is safe when mom is off the sugar. Run for your lives.

Sweet Dreams

Bath and storytime, huh? Please just GTF to sleep.

Another Dad Joke

Don’t encourage this type of humor, friends.

Screen Deprivation

Please send your thoughts and prayers to this dear child who is without her own cellular device.

Rock On, Mama

We like to get the family involved in all of our affairs to create a sense of community. So, watermelon or mango?

What is Time?

We know the, “Ummm I thought it was Friday” struggle.

Hamster Nightmares

Just when you think it’s safe to close your eyes, the hamster decides to make a run for it.

We’ve Been Fooled

Welcome to this life where there is no such thing as space and time.

Watch Out Grandma

No one is safe from a kiddo with a hose, so might as well stay away.

What About Mary

Isn’t it astounding how well they pay attention to detail?

Fresh Ink

You’re welcome for our services. Would you also like for us to set an alarm and push you out the door?

What A Burn

We’re not trying to be heroes here, so microwave it is!

Happy Birthday?

Go ahead and shove a little cake in your mouth while multi-tasking, birthday queen.

Memory Lane

It’s been a month full of LEGOs and Cheerios, apparently.

Merlot-Inspired Bangs

What type of wine brings out the flavor of bad decisions?

Power of Distraction

Let’s just keep kicking the can down the road, shall we?

Netflix and Chill

Is there anything hotter than a new series binge?

We Surrender

Bless this mess, mama.

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