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Funny Mother’s Day Tweets in the Time of Coronavirus

Funny Mother's Day Tweets in the Time of Coronavirus

Mother’s Day is right around the corner and the holiday means something special for everyone who celebrates it. Ahead of the holiday, we decided to take a look at Twitter to see how people are feeling about it this year. After all, we’re living through an unprecedented global health crisis, and mother’s day is going to look very different for many of us this year.

As you might imagine, folks are feeling a certain way. And by “certain,” we mean uncertain. From businesses being temporarily closed to travel restrictions, some people are unable to visit with their moms or even eat at their favorite Mother’s Day brunch spot. There’s a lot in flux around Mother’s Day 2020. Let’s take a look at some tweets that perfectly capture this moment and other tweets that will definitely make you feel better about it.

There are classic jokes about making babies.

And, jokes specific to the moment we find ourselves in.

Like, really.

People are in need of creative solutions.

And, some aren’t even trying.

No, Mother’s Day was not canceled, no matter who your governor is.

Lots of people are buying gifts on Amazon.

People can’t help themselves.

We repeat Mother’s Day 2020 is not canceled.

Did we all order our Mother’s Day gifts from Amazon?

A sad, but true fact.

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No, not a great idea.

A tweet for Mommie Dearest, the weirdest one we came across.

Being a writer and a mom is tough.

Mothers with mothers know how to plan.

This mom is closed for business.

Do you remember shopping, in a store?

Never forget.

A stroke of marketing genius (Mother’s day is on May 10 this year).

As you can see, Mother’s Day 2020 is shaping up to be a wild one. While most of the sentiments are probably the same as last year, there are some new challenges that are making the holiday harder to plan than usual. May 10, 2020, is the big day. If all else fails, please just give your mom a call.

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