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12 Funny Back to School Memes to Ease the Pain of a Crazy 2020 School Year

12 Funny Back to School Memes to Ease the Pain of a Rough 2020 School Year

It’s safe to say back to school season is looking wildly different this year. Whether you’re gearing up for another round of virtual school or packing a bag full of masks and sending your child off to the classroom, we’re living in unprecedented times. If you’re like us, you’ve likely shed a few tears, lost sleep, and struggled with how to make the best decisions for your family. After all of that, can we agree that a little levity is needed?

Getting your child ready for the school year is overwhelming on a normal year, but 2020 is really handing it to us. From masks to the stress of unexpected homeschooling, here are our favorite memes to remind you that you’re not alone in the ridiculousness of it all. Wishing you all the best as you prepare the kids to head back to school, whatever that may look like this year.

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: 13 ‘You’ve Changed’ Memes That Underline The Ridiculousness That Is 2020

12 Hilarious 2020 Back to School Memes That Almost Make This Time of Year Seem Fun

The Dreaded Mask Swap

Sure, trading school supplies or sandwiches at lunch used to be cute, but we’re pretty sure a mask swap defeats the entire purpose.

Must Be Nice

Mamas who have suddenly become at-home educators, we see you!

One for the Scrapbook

Well, we never expected back to school shopping to include a hazmat suit, but here we are.

Extracurricular Activities

We hate to disappoint, but that geometry lesson is going to be cut a bit short today. Grab the glitter.

Some Nerve

We’ve now spent 45 minutes trying to remember our Drumblekick password. Thanks, 2020.

Mommy Needs a Break

We love our kids, but we also love it when we get to go to the bathroom in peace.

The Early Bird

We’re LOLing at this one. Take the long way, kiddos. Mama needs some space.

What’s the Plan?

Are we going in-person, virtual, or hybrid? This is the question keeping parents and teachers up all night.

Time to Sanitize

Get out your sanitizing spray because school is about to be in session… during a pandemic.

Parent Parade

Sure, this year is looking much different, but you remember the momentary feeling of freedom after a loooong summer.

Smiling Through the Tears

“Me? Oh, everything is fine. Just. fine.”


Umm, we’re pretty sure all of these options are making us want to crawl back under the covers until back to school 2021.

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