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Fox Host Jesse Watters Believes Women Who Haven’t Been Pregnant Can’t Run For President

Fox Host Jesse Watters Believes Women Who Haven't Been Pregnant Can't Run For President

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Fox News host Jesse Watters believes a woman has to get married and then get pregnant prior to being “ripe” enough to run for president of the United States.

During Thursday night’s episode of Fox News’s “The Five,” Watters entertained the possibility of Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) one day running for president.

Fox Host Jesse Watters Believes Women Who Haven’t Been Pregnant Can’t Run For President

“With age comes wisdom and she’s pretty young. That’s my nice way of saying she’s not very smart,” Watters told his “The Five” co-hosts.

“You know when you like pick a banana and the banana’s in your hand and it’s green and then even if you try to peel it, it’s still not even peeling? That’s AOC. She’s not ripe enough to run for president.”

Currently, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez is engaged to longtime boyfriend Riley Roberts.

However, at 32, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez is not old enough to run for the highest office in the country, as the Constitution prevents anyone under the age of 35 to serve as president.

Watters acknowledged Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’s engagement, adding “then you have to get pregnant.”

“Why?” Greg Gutfeld, a “The Five” co-host, asked Watters.

“This is how it goes. Just follow me, Greg. You get married. Then you get pregnant and then once you have the baby, you have a family and the media loves it,” Watters explained. “They eat it up. And it makes you more of a mature person.”

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Unfortunately, this is not the first time a Fox News host has pressed that a woman’s ability to be in a position of power is dependent on whether or not she is currently or has previously been pregnant.

On May 5, “FOX & Friends” host Brian Kilmeade said he didn’t “know why you’d give” a pregnant woman an “important” job when discussing Nina Jankowicz‘s appointment to a Department of Homeland Security advisory board.

At the time, Jankowicz was eight months pregnant. “I’m not sure how you get a job and then you just — you can’t do a job for three months,” Kilmeade said, referring to the three-month-long maternity leave the Fox News host assumed Jankowicz would take after giving birth.

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“I’m not faulting her,” he added, “but I don’t know why you would give someone a job that you think is so important.”

A record number of women with children under the age of 18 were elected to Congress in 2019 — a total of 21 in the House and two in the Senate.

And up until 2018, newborns were not allowed on the Senate floor. It wasn’t until Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) gave birth to her daughter, Maile Pearl Bowlsbey, on April 9, the Senate voted to change the rules and allow infants under the age of 1 to accompany their parents should they need to vote on a weekend or during a late-night session.

Sen. Duckworth was the first sitting senator to give birth in the history of the United States. 

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