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Little Detectives: Four Young Kids Searched for and Found a Missing Woman with Dementia

Little Detectives: Four Young Kids Searched for and Found a Missing Woman with Dementia

These four kids take the term #squadgoals to the next level. Hope Claiborne and Makenna Rogers, both 11, heard from a helicopter loudspeaker that police needed volunteers to help find a missing woman with dementia, and they set out on a mission. 

The Roseville, California residents grabbed their bikes. Hope’s brother, Kashton Claiborne, and his friend, Logan Hultman, both 10, joined the search. 

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Roseville Tweens Find Missing 97-Year-Old Woman with Dementia

The police informed community members that 97-year-old Glenetta Belford had wandered away from her residential care center and they needed to find her before nightfall. Seeing as it was already 4 p.m., the group knew that they needed to act fast. 

The four tweens rode their bikes on the neighborhood streets for over an hour, joining other volunteers in the area. 

At 6:30 p.m., before the sky was completely dark, Hope spotted the elderly woman approaching a street corner. 

According to The Washington Post, the group located Glenetta before she had the chance to make her way onto one of the busiest streets in Roseville. 

“I was so excited to find her. We all went over to her and asked, ‘What are you doing?’ ” Hope shared. “She didn’t really understand us and told us to go away.”

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Hope quickly dialed 911, and Glenetta was returned safely to her care center.

“We really wanted to find Belford and prove that kids can make just as big a difference as adults,” said Makenna. 

We have to agree with Makenna. Kids absolutely can make a huge difference!

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