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This Comedian’s Hilarious Impression of Moms During Flu Season Hits a Little Too Close to Home

Trey Kennedy: Flu Season Mom + Middle Schooler Viral Video

Flu season is upon us (God save us all!), and as it hits, moms everywhere are flying into a one-track mental state that has its pros and cons. (Pros: Caution is good! Cons: Let’s all calm down!) Comedian Trey Kennedy absolutely nails the flu season mom mindset in a viral video posted to Facebook called “Moms and Middle Schoolers During Flu Season.”

Kennedy posted the video to Facebook last week. As of this writing, it has been viewed close to 200,000 times.

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“Moms and middle schoolers during flu season,” Kennedy captioned the video. “Mom will always win! And that’s because there’s nothing more important than getting a flu vaccine and getting it early. I’ve partnered with AstraZeneca to help spread the message: Get your flu vaccine today!”

In the video, Kennedy plays two roles, one as the “Flu Season Mom” and the other as the “Flu Season Middle Schooler.” When playing the Mom, Kennedy takes on a stern, overly-authoritarian (dare we say: naggy?) tone as he addresses his “son.”


When playing the Middle Schooler, Kennedy leans into a stereotypical (but accurate!) depiction of a disinterested teen who can’t be bothered to look up from his phone as his “mom” gets on his case.

“Did you get your flu vaccine like I told you to?” Mom asks.


“Yes, I freakin’ told you! I ran the vacuum yesterday,” Flu Season Middle Schooler retorts.

From there, things go as expected, with Mom spinning into a hilarious overreaction and Middle Schooler

Kenendy made the video in partnership with AstraZeneca as reminder to parents (and their kids) to get vaccinated.


Still, the video will likely make any mom feel seen. Maybe… too seen.

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