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Florida Waitress Rescues Boy From Severe Abuse After She Notices Couple Forbidding Him To Eat

A waitress is being deemed a hero after she rescued a boy from being abused at a Florida restaurant after a couple denied him food.

Flaviane Carvalho was serving a table of four on New Year’s Day at Mrs. Potato Restaurant in Orlando when she noticed food hadn’t been ordered for the 11-year-old boy, according to Orlando police.

Florida Waitress Rescues Boy From Severe Abuse At Restaurant
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The police noted how the boy was skinny and had bruises on his face and arms.

Carvalho was quick to act and flashed a sign at the boy that read, “Are you OK?”

The boy signaled “No.”

Image via Orlando Police

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Carvalho flashed another sign behind his parents’ backs saying, “Do you need help?”

He nodded, to which then Carvalho immediately called the cops. The cops then arrived at the restaurant to question the boy along with his parents, according to police.

“I’m a mother also and that was very strange to me because you don’t deny food to a kid, especially at a restaurant,” Carvalho said at a press conference last week. “Thank God the boy is safe now.”

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Timothy Wilson, the boy’s stepfather, is accused of beating the boy with a broom and his fists as well as handcuffing him to furniture at home, according to an arrest affidavit obtained by the Orlando Sentinel.

Thankfully, the boy along with his 4-year-old sister were removed by child services.

Cops arrested Wilson, 34, and charged him with child abuse while the mother, Kristen Swann, 31, was arrested on Jan. 6 and charged with child neglect.

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