Mamas Uncut

Florida Troopers Deliver Baby On Side Of Road

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A traffic stop was the epicenter of new life after a Florida woman delivered her baby in an unexpected way.

It all began last Tuesday when two highway patrol troopers pulled over a speeding SUV.

Florida Troopers Deliver Baby On Side Of Road
Image via Shutterstock

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The driver informed them his wife was having a baby and her contractions were about five minutes apart.

The trooper got her out of the SUV and onto a blanket on a grassy area on the side of the road as they waited for paramedics to arrive.

But the situation escalated when the little girl decided to come at that moment.

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One trooper saw the baby coming and quickly checked on her condition.

The father then caught the baby and handed her to a trooper, who proceeded to pat her back to help clear her lungs.

They then took the mom and newborn to a hospital as the dad and big sister followed behind. Thankfully the both the mother and the baby are healthy. Also, the dad did not get ticketed.

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