Mamas Uncut

First Photo of Sherri Papini Since Her 2016 Fake Kidnapping Released as Her Husband Files for Divorce


Sherri Papini was seen for the first time in more than five years after she revealed in court that she did in fact lie about her kidnapping. As Mamas Uncut previously reported, Papini was the 34-year-old mom from California who went on a jog and didn’t return for 22 days.

As the truth has now revealed, Papini wasn’t kidnapped by two Hispanic women, beaten, or branded. In fact, she was with her boyfriend, having an affair, 600 miles away. 

First Photo of Sherri Papini Since Her 2016 Fake Kidnapping Released as Her Husband Files for Divorce

Now 39-years-old, Papini has since apologized for her actions. “I am deeply ashamed of myself for my behavior and so sorry for the pain I’ve caused my family, my friends, all the good people who needlessly suffered because of my story, and those who worked so hard to try to help me,” Papini said in her statement. “I will work the rest of my life to make amends for what I have done.”

From her return, up until she was charged with lying to federal agents about being kidnapped and defrauding the state’s victim compensation board of $30,000, Papini’s husband, Keith Papini, has remained by her side. However, that is about to change.

After taking a plea deal and pleading guilty to lying about being kidnapped, Keith has filed for divorce from Sherri. In his filing, he claims that Sherri “has not been acting in a rational manner” of late, The Sacramento Bee reported.

In a statement given to People, Keith said, “I wish to make it clear that my goal is to provide a loving, safe, stable environment for [the pair’s children] and I believe the requested orders are consistent with that goal and the best interests of the children. I do not want to say anything in the pleadings connected to this matter that would inflame the situation or attract media attention.”

First Photo of Sherri Papini Since Her 2016 Fake Kidnapping Released as Her Husband Files for Divorce

Keith also asked for custody of their two kids. While it is known that they were very young at the time of their mom’s disappearance, it is unclear how old they are now.

As Sherri Papini’s lie went, on November 2, 2016, the mom of two left her California home to go on a run. During that run, Papini mysteriously vanished and she was reported missing by Keith after she failed to pick up their kids from daycare like she normally did.

For 22 days, the search for Sherri Papini continued. Then on Thanksgiving Day 2016, Papini made her way to the side of Interstate 5 and flagged down a driver passing by nearly 150 miles from where she disappeared. 


Papini was weak and battered with a swollen nose. Her hair had been chopped off and she claims that the people who allegedly abducted her branded her shoulder. 

Papini said she didn’t believe she knew her alleged captures but admits she never got a good look at them to know for sure. Papini told investigators that the people who reportedly took her at gunpoint always wore something over their faces and they had often placed a bag over her head. However, Papini claimed that both of her alleged captures were women and they both spoke Spanish.

Papini used what knowledge she did have of her captures to help the FBI create a composite sketch of the women who allegedly kidnapped her. Other than that, much of Papini’s case had remained a mystery, that is until now.


It was Papini’s ex-boyfriend’s account of what really happened that exposed Sherri’s lies. The ex reportedly told authorities that he helped Papini run away, claiming that she told him her husband abused her. At this time, there is no validity to that claim of abuse.

Sherri Papini is scheduled for sentencing in July.

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