Mamas Uncut

Exciting Female Empowering Birthday Party Themes for Kids


Jordan Nguyen, a 4-year-old Houston native, had a strange birthday request for her parents: she wanted a female Supreme Court Justice-themed party. After falling in love with the book “I Look Up to … Ruth Bader Ginsburg” by Anna Membrino at her local library, the little one became obsessed with all things RBG and, by extension, other women who have served on the Supreme Court. Jordan began memorizing facts about the six Justices and requested more books about them.

Jordan had a Daniel Tiger theme for her third birthday, and her parents had hoped she would choose it again to make party planning easy. “I don’t really like Daniel anymore. I like judges, and I like presidents,” she explained. This prompted her mother, Jennifer Chang, to get creative with party supplies. Chang searched online for decorations, buying a cardboard cutout of Sonia Sotomayor, white balloons featuring Ginsburg’s face, and Lego figurines of three of the justices to place on the cake.

Jordan Nguyen’s Female Supreme Court Justice Party

Female Empowering Birthday Party Themes for Kids
Jennifer Chang

Wearing a black robe and wielding a tiny gavel, Jordan blew out the candles on her birthday cake (her parents had to stop her from gaveling said cake). Jordan’s unique party theme got us thinking about other female empowerment birthday party themes, and we have some ideas. Join us as we suggest other empowering party themes for your little one!

Women Who Write

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Who are some of your daughter’s favorite writers? Who do you want them to read? Virginia Woolf, Maya Angelou, Emily Dickinson, Amy Tan, Flannery O’Connor, and more could inspire a literary-inspired party. A book-shaped cake, BYO books to share, bookmark party favors, images of literary heroes, and more could all be on the table.

The Suffragettes

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The 19th Amendment was enshrined in law in 1920, giving women the constitutional right to vote. Larger-than-life figures like Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton led the fight for women’s suffrage in the US and could be inspiring figures to include in a party. Kids can dress like the suffragettes for a costume party. Posters can be made with popular quotes and sayings of the movement. “votes for women,” “I know nothing of man’s rights, or woman’s rights; human rights are all that I recognize,” and “There will never be a new world order until women are a part of it,” will all work well.

Women In Sports


Serena Williams, Billie Jean King, Simone Biles, Michelle Kwan, Wilma Rudolph, Megan Rapinoe, and other trailblazers in sports make for fabulous inspiration for a party. Pick a single sport or do a more general theme. Play games with tennis balls, basketballs, and more.

Women Who Rock


Turn to legends Aretha Franklin, Tina Turner, Fiona Apple, Stevie Nicks, and newer acts like Angel Olsen, Mitski, and Olivia Rodrigo for a high-octane party fueled by singalongs and karaoke. A guitar-shaped birthday cake could be the perfect fit.

Women Who Lead


Figures like Shirley Chisholm, Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, Geraldine Anne Ferraro, Michelle Obama, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Elizabeth Warren are all inspiring figures who have navigated the world of politics with skill and grace. These fighters could inspire your little one’s birthday. “The Future Is Female” could be emblazoned on a cake.

Women Who STEM

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Imagine beakers as cups, fake thick glasses for all, and a cake that looks like a computer. Marie Curie, Mae C. Jemison, Ada Lovelace, Rosalind Franklin, and many more can be heroic figures whose images you hang as decorations. Bonus points for conducting a fun, interactive science experiment with the kids.

Women Who Create

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Yes, there should be painting or finger painting at this party. Watercolor kits should be provided in the goodie bags. Artists like Frida Kahlo, Georgia O’Keeffe, Amy Sherald, Mary Cassatt, Kara Walker, and Yayoi Kusama could all be themes in and of themselves, or you can have a collective party to celebrate them all.

Women Who Have Flow


If your little one has an affinity for Hip Hop and Rap, this could be an enjoyable theme. Missy Elliot, Queen Latifah, MC Lyte, Lil’ Kim, Nicki Minaj, Meghan Thee Stallion, and Cardi B can provide the soundtrack for the event. The cake can be decorated with musical notes or beloved lyrics. Kids can have a singalong, or you can provide a beat and encourage them to create their own lyrics.

Women Who Bring the Drama


Our children are taken by powerful performance just as much as adults are. Highlighting the work of some of the greats of acting would be a blast. Kids can act out their favorite scenes, monologues, and more from beloved movies for an activity. You could roll out a red carpet and have a pretend press line complete with flashing cameras. Hang movie posters or images of beloved actors. Think Viola Davis, Jessica Chastain, Meryl Streep, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Halle Berry, Laverne Cox, and Lucy Liu.

Women Behind the Camera


Hand-in-hand with the previous theme, it would be fun to highlight women directors, especially if your little one loved Barbie. Hand kids the iPhone and let them film little scenes on it. Hang movie posters and images of cameras, and have plenty of slate/clapperboards to play with. Greta Gerwig, Kathryn Bigelow, Jane Campion, Ava DuVernay, Chloé Zhao, and others are all worthy of celebration.

Professional Chefs Spice Things Up

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Men dominate restaurant kitchens, but many talented women have risen through the ranks and come out on top. This could be a delicious party theme if your kiddo loves cooking and eating. For this party, you could decorate the cake as an activity. Chef hats are mandatory. Get inspired by the dishes of Julia Child, Mashama Bailey, Stephanie Izard, Samin Nosrat, Mandy Lee, Alison Roman, and Gabrielle Hamilton.

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Women Who Report the Facts

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If your kid has been taken with journalism and reporting, there is a wealth of journalists worth celebrating at their party. You can use actual newspapers as decoration. Images of famed journalists should be plastered around. You can even make little press badges for all the attendees. Ida B. Wells, Christiane Amanpour, Barbara Walters, Gloria Steinem, Yamiche Alcindor, and more would surely inspire the kids.

There you go! We hope you found these empowering female birthday party themes to be as exciting as we did. You can spin any of these ideas to make it more specific or broad as you like. Just make sure you are empowering your little one to take up space, make noise, take control, and be an absolute boss.

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