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I Tried A 5-Day Fasting Diet And Can’t Believe My Results

Strict 5-Day Fasting Diet Day 5 Final Verdict

I’ve reached the final day of a 5-day fasting diet with food from Prolon. I’ve been writing daily diaries, keeping track of how I’m feeling and my meals. If you’d like to read them from the start or learn more details about the diet, you can find the first four days here: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 and Day 4.

To recap, I wanted to venture out of my comfort zone of bread and pasta, and try a fast or fasting diet. I’ve read about the many health benefits of fasting, such as reducing the risks of certain diseases. I was drawn to this fasting diet because it includes food. On this diet, you don’t have to go hours or days without eating if you are hungry, and that was the biggest selling point for me. The fasting kit provides you with food each day, instructions and suggested meals.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: I Tried A Strict 5-Day Fasting Diet: Here’s My Day 1 Reaction

When I bought the Prolon fasting program, it came with a free box of what they call “Fasting Bars” that aren’t part of the 5-day fasting diet. They are designed for intermittent fasting, and the company says that you can eat one bar and your body will still think it’s fasting. For example, if you are doing Intermittent Fasting and only eating for 8 hours per day from 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm, you can have a Fasting Bar when you wake up at 8:00 am, and you won’t be breaking your 16-hour fasting window.

I Tried A Strict 5-Day Fasting Diet: Here's My Final Verdict on Day 5
Prolon also offers a “fast bar” that helps with intermittent fasting diets. / Bridget Coolick

5-Day Fasting Diet: Day 5

Today, I started thinking about all of the foods I normally eat on a daily basis. For instance, I use hot sauce on everything, but the last 4 days I didn’t even think about hot sauce or miss it at all. Normally for at least one meal a day, I am reaching for the salt shaker to add salt to whatever I am eating. So far on this fast, I haven’t felt the urge to do that once. And I always have some cheese in the afternoon to hold me over until dinner. I did miss that cheese and actually have thought about it every day. I guess really love cheese.

During breakfast, I realized I really miss using hot sauce.

I woke up this morning feeling a little slower than normal, but definitely better than Day 4. I had the energy to get things done, even before breakfast. I feel that I can take on the day and finish the fasting diet because I only have one more day left.

I got on the scale again this morning and lost another 3.6 pounds. Seeing that I lost weight and the diet is working definitely puts me in a happy mood. I feel like what I am doing is working, and it is worth it. I don’t feel like I will be depriving myself of food forever. Knowing that this fast will only last 5 days is a huge help with avoiding any temptations. Keep reading to see my total weight loss!

Breakfast on Fasting Diet Day 5 at 9:30 am

Breakfast on Day 5 of the fasting diet is a nut-based bar, spearmint lemon tea and an omega-3 supplement. / Bridget Coolick

During breakfast today, I am pretty happy that I made it to Day 5. I never thought I could do 1 or 2 days of a fasting diet, so making it to the morning of Day 5 feels like a huge deal. Breakfast includes the nut-based bar with honey, herbal tea and one Algal oil capsule (this oil provides Omega-3s). 

I’m very happy to be eating the nut bar, but this morning I realize that I haven’t eaten hot sauce in 4 days and I can’t get it off my mind. I usually eat it daily, so I was surprised that I didn’t think about it until now. I plan on eating eggs with hot sauce as soon as this diet is over.

Lunch on Fasting Diet Day 5 at 2:30 pm

Lunch on Day 5 of the fasting diet is tomato soup and a vitamin supplement. / Bridget Coolick

Today’s lunch feels like a grind because it’s tomato soup again, and I’m tired of soup. But I keep telling myself that this is the last day, and I can make it through today because I am so close to the end. The suggested lunch includes kale crackers, but I decide to save those for the evening. I’m usually the hungriest later in the day. My husband and stepdaughter are making pasta for lunch, and it smells so delicious. Food and cooking smells make sticking to the fast tough.

Dinner on Fasting Diet Day 5 at 5:30 pm 

Lunch on Day 5 of the fasting diet is minestrone soup and kale crackers (saved from lunch). / Bridget Coolick

I was thrilled by dinnertime! I was happy to eat but really happy that this was my last fasting meal and that I made it to the end of the program. I had minestrone soup, kale crackers and LaCroix water. The food tasted fine, but tonight my satisfaction came from knowing I had completely the 5-day fast with no issues. I can’t wait to eat solid foods because I am really tired of eating soup. 

5-Day Fasting Diet: Final Results

Normally, I am not good at diets or sticking to any food restrictions. I love to eat all foods, especially unhealthy choices like processed carbs and cheese. I’m the type of person who needs to eat often, or else I get cranky. Therefore, the fact that I was able to stick to the Prolon fasting diet speaks volumes. It was easier than I thought it would be and I’m astounded that I was able to make it all 5 days. I’m even thinking about purchasing another fasting kit in a few months to attempt round 2 of the program.

At the end of Day 5, I’m feeling good and energetic. This diet was a good reset after the holidays and I’m thrilled I was able to stick to it. In total, I lost 7.6 pounds, which is on the high side and not average. The company states that adults lost up to 5-6 pounds during their trials.

Eating my last fasting diet meal.

RELATED:  Make This Healthy Meal Prep Recipe For Variety Every Day

The Prolon program is a very low-calorie 5-day diet that mimics fasting. It’s a good diet to try if you are able to take it easier than normal for 5 days. I have a 9-month-old baby and did not have as much energy with her as I usually do. If you have a physically demanding job or lifestyle, you might want to consider trying this fasting diet while you have help or aren’t working.

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