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I Tried A Strict 5-Day Fasting Diet: Here’s My Day 3 Reaction

Strict 5-Day Fasting Diet Day 3 Reaction

It’s Day 3 of my experience trying out the Prolon fasting diet, and below is my meal diary and honest reaction to completing the third day of the fast. This fast does include food, and the company states that following the diet with the provided food can deliver the same benefits as fasting.

I’m looking to this diet as a reset for the new year. I had a baby last year, the holidays just ended, and I want to do something healthy for myself. When I saw that this was a 5-day program, I thought that it was short enough that I could probably do it. 

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: I Tried A Strict 5-Day Fasting Diet: Here’s My Day 2 Reaction

I Tried A Strict 5-Day Fasting Diet: Day 3 Reaction
This fasting diet comes with soup mixes, nut-based bars and other foods so you don’t have to think about what to eat. / Bridget Coolick

And since the diet comes with food and a meal plan, I was excited at the idea of not having to think about what to eat. It’s all there for me and ready to eat when I need it. Keep reading to see my Day 3 fasting diet meals! And if you haven’t read them yet, click on my Day 1 Diary or Day 2 Diary to get more information on the diet and my experience so far.

5-Day Fasting Diet: Day 3

Today I woke up feeling like I have a ton of energy. I feel very awake and energized even before breakfast. But as I open today’s box and read the suggested meal card, I realize that today has the least amount of food so far on the diet. So mentally, I know this will be more of a struggle.

Eating lunch on Day 3 of the fasting diet

I’m also a little concerned because I know I have to cook for my husband today – I make him a chicken every week so he has lunch ready to eat. When I cook this meal, the house usually smells of roasted chicken and veggies, and it will be hard to be surrounded by the smell of food. I know it will be difficult to cook for him and not want to make something for myself.

Breakfast on Fasting Diet Day 3 at 11:00 am

Breakfast on Day 3 of the Prolon fasting diet: nut and honey bar, herbal tea and glycerol drink. / Bridget Coolick

This morning, the baby’s nap is a little later in the morning, so I don’t eat until 11:00 am. But I have so much energy, I feel ok with eating later. Breakfast is another nut-based bar paired with herbal tea. I’m also drinking some of the L-Drink glycerol drink. I’m definitely feeling good this morning and feel like I can continue the fasting diet until the end. However, I am missing some caffeine, specifically my almost daily Diet Coke. I love it, but it’s not allowed on this diet.

Lunch on Fasting Diet Day 3 at 2:00 pm

Lunch on Day 3 of the Prolon fasting diet: tomato soup and two vitamins. / Bridget Coolick

It’s 2:00 pm and I’m still feeling satisfied from breakfast, but I need to eat lunch now while my daughter naps. I’m happy that I get a break for lunch, but I don’t feel starving right now. Lunch today is tomato soup (the same soup I had on Day 1) and two vitamin capsules. The suggested lunch for today also includes kale crackers, but since I’m not super hungry, I am going to save those for a snack later or for dinner.

Dinner on Fasting Diet Day 3 at 6:30 pm 

Dinner on Day 3 of the Prolon fasting diet: minestrone soup and kale crackers I saved from lunch. / Bridget Coolick

Dinner tonight is just minestrone soup – that’s it! I’m glad that I saved the kale crackers from lunch! By the time I am able to eat dinner, I am starving. The minestrone soup takes about 20 minutes to make on the stovetop, and I’m feeling impatient. Also, there is no chocolate bar included in tonight’s dinner, and that is hugely missed. I really looked forward to that chocolatey treat!

5-Day Fasting Diet: Day 3 Reaction

This morning I got on the bathroom scale to check in and see if I’ve lost any weight. I was down 3 more pounds, for a total of 4 pounds lost! This put me in a good mood and helped get me through the day.

The morning and afternoon were definitely a breeze. I am so surprised because I thought it would be so much harder. I think to myself, “this is so easy, I’m gonna make it until the end, no problem.” But then, the late afternoon hit, and I got slightly irritable. I fed the baby and I wanted to eat oatmeal and peanut butter along with her, but I didn’t. The time between lunch and dinner was the most difficult.

My thoughts from Day 3 of fasting

After I ate dinner, I was feeling better, but not full. I had some LaCroix and tried to enjoy it while my husband and stepdaughter at the chicken and veggies I cooked. 

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Every week, I have a video call with my best friends, and I couldn’t wait for this fun distraction! I had the herbal tea while we chatted on the phone and then went to bed. Overall it was a good day, especially for having the least amount of calories. I am hoping Day 4 gets easier since there is a little more food.

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