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I Tried A Strict 5-Day Fasting Diet: Here’s My Day 2 Reaction

I Tried A Strict 5-Day Fasting Diet: Here's My Day 2 Reaction

I’m trying out the Prolon Fasting Diet this week, and I’m sharing my honest daily experience. This post is a diary of my second day on the Prolon Fasting Diet. If you didn’t see my Day 1 post with the description of the fasting diet, you can read it here.

The diet is a fasting diet, but with food that is provided by Prolon. It lasts for 5 days, and the company sends you a box with food assigned to each of the fasting days. This type of fasting interested me because I’m not willing or able to fast without food. I’m the type of person that gets hangry when my blood sugar drops and I need to eat, so a fasting diet that includes some food sounded more feasible.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: I Tried A Strict 5-Day Fasting Diet: Here’s My Day 1 Reaction

As for the program costs, it’s $175 for a box which includes instructions for the fast, a 32 oz water bottle, and food and supplements you’ll need to take throughout the diet. The food includes nut & honey bars, vegetable soups, olives, crackers, herbal teas, and chocolate bars. Below I review the food for Day 2 of the diet and give you my honest reactions to how things are going!

I Tried A Strict 5-Day Fasting Diet: Here's My Day 2 Reaction
Prolon provides you with food, supplements and a water bottle for their fasting diet. / Bridget Coolick

5-Day Fasting Diet: Day 2

For the second day of the 5-day fast, Prolon includes a 32 oz reusable water bottle, plus a little bottle of what they call “L-Drink”. It is a proprietary glycerol mix that you add to water and drink throughout the day. It sort of tasted like Hint water, or very watered down Gatorade, but it was pleasant and easy to drink. I did see that some people don’t like the taste of the drink or want it to have more flavor, and the company suggests using one of the provided herbal tea bags to add more taste.

A glycerol liquid is provided for days 2-5 of the fast to help retain lean muscle. / Bridget Coolick

The L-Drink is supposed to help protect muscle mass (amino acids) while your body is in fasting mode. I definitely don’t want to lose muscle on this fasting diet, only fat, so this drink sounds promising. The company says that it provides hydration and vegetable-based nutritional support, so it’s basically another supplement that you only drink during days 2-5 of the fasting diet. I found it very helpful throughout the day when I felt like I was losing energy or feeling hungry.

Breakfast on Fasting Diet Day 2 at 10:30 am

Day 2 breakfast of the Prolon fasting diet includes herbal tea and a nut-based bar. / Bridget Coolick

Breakfast today was the same as yesterday, a nut and honey bar. It is very tasty and I have no problem eating this bar. The nuts and herbal tea do actually satisfy me until lunchtime. And today I started drinking the L-Drink, which I was happy to have throughout the day. I felt that it definitely gave me energy and kept me going when I felt hungry.

Lunch on Fasting Diet Day 2 at 1:00 pm

Day 2 breakfast of the original Prolon fasting diet includes mushroom soup, olives and vitamins. / Bridget Coolick

Lunch today was mushroom soup, and I was scared by it for some reason. I was not excited to eat it at all – it just looked gray and sad. But once I tasted it, I was pleasantly surprised that it had great flavor and was salty. So that was a win. Lunch also included olives with sea salt. They are a little bland, I didn’t taste the sea salt. But I was ok with eating something bland since it was solid food.

Dinner on Fasting Diet Day 2 at 5:30 pm 

I could not wait to eat dinner. I usually don’t eat at 5:30, but I was really hungry and just wanted to have food as soon as I could. So when I put the baby for another nap, I put the veggie quinoa soup on the stove. This soup takes over 15 minutes to cook and I was thinking it would be only 2 minutes to make it like it was at lunch. This was a struggle, but I had to let it simmer because there was uncooked quinoa and it needed 15 minutes to fully cook. In the end, the soup was tasty and made me feel good.

Day 2 breakfast of the original Prolon fasting diet includes mushroom soup, olives and vitamins. / Bridget Coolick

I saved my snack again today because I just got busy in the afternoon.  The snack today was a pack of olives with Italian herbs and they were delicious! So happy those were included in today’s box. I’m hoping they are in more of the boxes this week. Also, today the diet included the chocolate crisp bar and that was nice to have. I did notice that the chocolate bar was a little hard to chew today. It made me feel tired of chewing quickly, which actually seemed helpful with feeling satisfied.

5-Day Fasting Diet: Day 2 Reaction

Today, I definitely thought about food more than yesterday. I was thinking about what I would want to eat if I wasn’t fasting. The thought of breaking the fast even crossed my mind, but it was short-lived. I had some more LaCroix sparkling water and some of the L-Drink and was able to feel good and function normally.

My main goal for trying this fasting diet is weight loss. I got on the scale this morning and I weighed exactly 1 pound less than I did the day before. Of course, that could be a normal fluctuation, or it could be a benefit of the fasting diet.

Although, as I finish up Day 2 of the fast, I am realizing I have more time and energy than before. I can focus on other things and be more productive than when I have to worry about what to eat. It’s definitely nice to have the food all planned out and mostly ready to eat.

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I was definitely happy with the food today, but because I ate dinner a little early I was hungry right before bed around 9:30 pm. I decided to make one of the herbal teas that’s included in the program, spearmint flavor, and that really helped me feel better. I went to bed right after I drank the tea, watched a little Netflix and fell asleep right away. 

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