Mamas Uncut

Family Road Trip: How to Keep Your Children Happy While Traveling

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Let’s be honest – the airport isn’t the most ideal place for families, especially when young children are involved. It’s certainly possible, but there’s a reason so many parents try to avoid flying at all costs. 

But that doesn’t mean families can’t enjoy a good ol’ vacation. 

In fact, according to TransUnion’s 2023 Spring and Summer Travel Report, 43% of American households prefer road trips over other travel methods – and children often play a significant role in that decision. 

RELATED: Tips When Traveling With Kids and Small Children

Aside from giving parents more control over and flexibility with their itinerary, planning a family road trip is far more economical than buying plane tickets – and you won’t be limited to just one suitcase per person.

At the end of the day, family road trips just make more sense. 

At least that was the case with one of our loyal readers. 

“My son has a rugby game far away and I will be traveling with young kids,” one of our readers wrote in our Answers by Mamas Uncut online forum. “What are some tips to keep them occupied in the car?” 

Road trips might be the preferred choice for many parents today, but that’s not to say it won’t come with its own unique challenges – and parents should expect to be tested in numerous ways during the trip. 

But don’t worry – that’s what we’re here for. 

With the help of our online community, we’re going to discuss some of our most prominent tips for packing the car, keeping the family occupied, keeping them fed, and other useful hacks for your family road trip.

Packing the Car for a Family Road Trip

Family Road Trip: How to Keep Your Children Happy While Traveling | Aside from giving parents more control over and flexibility with their itinerary, planning a family road trip is far more economical than buying plane tickets – and you won’t be limited to just one suitcase per person.
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First thing’s first – let’s get that car packed with all the essentials. 

That means making sure you pack all your luggage, as well as anything you’ll need for the actual car ride – like extra pairs of clothes, diapers, baby wipes, changing pad, bottles, feeding supplies, and burp cloths.

You’ll also need snacks, games, and toys – but we’ll talk about those a little later. 

For now, I want to go over five essential items most parents will forget to pack in the car – if they even think to pack it at all. That way, you can avoid going without something that could make your life easier.

5. Portable Potty

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Is your child in the middle of potty training? If so, then don’t let your family road trip get in the way of teaching them how to go potty on their own – in fact, use the road trip as a learning experience for them. 

That’s where the portable potty comes into play. 

A portable potty for kids is a compact, lightweight, and often foldable toilet designed for easy use during travel or in situations where regular bathroom facilities are not available or not maintained properly. 

Having a portable training toilet allows for more flexibility in your travel plans and means you won’t have to make as many stops along the way – though you should still plan for stops every few hours or so. 

4. Window Shades

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Window shades for the car are a great way to make road trips more comfortable for kids – but adults can enjoy them, too! In fact, they serve several purposes outside of the obvious (shielding you from the sun). 

Temperature control, glare reduction, privacy – window shades are the real MVP here! 

Whether you’re trying to get your child into nap mode or driving through a sunny and hot climate, window shades are easy to install and even easier to pull up and down – ensuring the setting is right for your trip.

3. Cleaning Supplies

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You never know when an accident might happen. It could be your child spilling their favorite drink, your husband leaving crumbs all over the seat, or even your puppy going potty in the backseat of the car. 

Either way, it never hurts to have cleaning supplies nearby. 

That includes disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, paper towels, trash bags, multipurpose cleaner, tissues, microfiber cloths, rubber gloves, air freshener, and glass cleaner. Don’t worry – you can thank us later. 

If you really want to take it up a notch, go ahead and pack a portable vacuum – and invest in one of those handy trash cans designed for the car. If you have messy kids, pack a stain removal pen (Tide To Go). 

2. Car Seat Organizer

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A car seat organizer is just like it sounds – helps keep all of your and your children’s essentials organized, accessible, and neatly stored in various compartments. 

They’re like the organizer on your desk or in your kitchen drawer – but much larger. 

The best part is that you can put just about anything in there. Toys, games, electronic devices, cleaning supplies, snacks, books, first-aid kits – whatever you need to make the trip more enjoyable, go for it!

Keeping the car tidy and free of loose items reduces the risk of objects becoming projectiles in the event of sudden stops or accidents. It also prevents clutter from obstructing the driver’s view or movements.

1. First Aid Kit

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Packing a well-equipped first aid kit for a road trip with kids is crucial for handling minor injuries and emergencies as they happen – especially when there’s no hospital or convenient store nearby. 

You know what they say – it’s better to pack it and not need it, than forget it and need it. 

Some basic supplies to include in your road trip first-aid kit are bandages, gauze pads, adhesive tape, antiseptic wips, antibiotic ointment, hydrocotiscone cream, tweezers, gloves, cotton balls, and alcohol. 

We also recommend adding pain relievers, antihistamines, anti-nausea medication, Pedialyte, instant cold packs, sunscreen, aloe vera, burn cream, an emergency blanket, flashlight, nasal spray, and bug spray.

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Keeping Your Children Occupied on the Road

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The car is packed and you’ve officially hit the open road – but now the real fun begins. 

Keeping your little ones occupied, happy, engaged, and tantrum-free is much easier said than done, especially since most kids have short attention spans when in confined spaces for long periods of time.

Personally, I like to treat the road trip like a pre-game for the actual vacation. 

Just because you and your kids are stuck in a car for hours on end, doesn’t mean you can’t have fun – it just means you’ll have to get a little creative with some of the activities you have planned for your kids.

Don’t worry – we’re going to share with you some of our best tips for keeping your children occupied. 

5. Games & Toys

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A road trip without toys wouldn’t be much of a road trip at all – no matter how old you are. For your child, definitely pack all of their favorites, but now is also the perfect time to introduce new toys and activities. 

Of course, you can also play one of these classic family road trip games: 

These games can help pass the time, keep kids engaged, and create fun memories along the way. And if your child gets bored of them, take one of their favorite toys out of that car seat organizer and move on!

4. Arts & Crafts

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I guess ‘arts and crafts’ could technically fall in the ‘toys’ category, but we’re giving them their own section because they’re that important and effective – not just as a means of passing time, but as a learning tool.

Here are some of our favorite arts and crafts to bring on a family road trip:

Arts and crafts allow children to use their imagination and creativity, providing a constructive outlet for their energy. It’ll also help them develop their artistic skills and gain a deeper appreciation for arts. 

3. Physical Activity

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Just because it’s called a road trip, doesn’t mean you have to be on the road 24/7. In fact, many experts recommend taking a break from the driving every two to three hours to stretch and avoid restlessness. 

It’s not just important for you, but also your children. 

With that said, never pass up an opportunity to check out a local park anytime you pass one – same goes for playgrounds, landmarks, and anywhere else that might give you and your family a nice little break. 

Plus, the extra running around might tire your little ones out – and you know what that means!

2. Music & Sing-Alongs

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Family road trips and sign-alongs – those two things are like peanut butter and jelly. For kids, music can be a great distraction from the monotony of a long trip, and a source of entertainment for the parents. 

You know what they say – when the kids are happy, the parents are happy. 

You can also personalize this experience by including a number of classic sing-alongs (like ‘Wheels on the Bus’), Disney favorites (like ‘Hakuna Matata’), educational songs (like the alphabet), or popular hits.

Try turning the music into a game by playing ‘Name That Tune’ or combining it with your physical activity breaks by having a quick dance session at the next pit stop. It’s music – do whatever you’dlike with it!

1. Screen Time

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You were probably wondering if screen time was going to be on this list. While it’s always best to avoid excessive screen time, there’s nothing wrong with giving your child a tablet every once in a while. 

In fact, screen time can be extremely helpful, in moderation. 

Just think about all the things you can do on a mobile device or tablet. Movies, TV shows, games, music – taking advantage of what technology has to offer can help make the road trip seem shorter for the kids. 

And let’s not forget – there are plenty of ways to keep it educational and use the tablet as a learning tool. Just make sure you set limits for screen time and always balance it with other games and activities. 

Quenching the Thirst & Satiating the Hunger

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It might happen two minutes into your trip or several hours down the road, but every parent needs to prepare themselves for the inevitable – because it’s only a matter of time before the complaints start. 

I’m hungry. Do we have any snacks? When are we stopping for food?”

Keeping your little travelers well-fed and hydrated is essential to any family road trip, no matter how long you’re in the car, but it doesn’t have to mean endless stops at fast food joints or convenience stores.

There are healthier and more economical ways to go about it. 

Don’t worry – we’re going to share some of our favorite snacks and beverages to pack for a road trip. So grab the cooler, freeze those ice packs, and fill those snackleboxes up with all of your child’s favorites. 

5. Fruits & Vegetables

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Bringing fruits and vegetables on a family road trip is a great way to ensure your children have healthy snacking options available to them. Plus, they’re easy to pack and easy to eat while on the road. 

It might not be their first option, but it’s almost always their best option.

Some fruits to consider packing include apples, bananas, grapes, berries, oranges or clementines, cherries, peaches, nectarines, plums, pineapple, and various dried fruits (mango, raisins, apricots, etc.).

Some vegetables to consider packing include baby carrots, celery sticks, cucumber slices, cherry tomatoes, bell pepper slices, snap peas, broccoli florets, cauliflower florets, radishes, and green beans. 

4. Sandwiches

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Sandwiches don’t take much effort to make, their filling, and they’re easy to pack – if you don’t want to premake them, you can always pack the ingredients and make the sandwich on the road or at a pit stop.

Not only that, but you can easily cater to different tastes and dietary preferences. 

Some of our favorite sandwiches to make for a family road trip include the classics (peanut butter and jelly, turkey and cheese, or ham and swiss) or a vegetarian option (hummus and veggie sandwich). 

To ensure they stay fresh, always wrap them in plastic wrap or put them in a ziploc baggie – and make sure they don’t get squished. Store them in a cooler and cut them in halves (or quarters) for easy eating.

3. Trail Mix

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There’s no easier snack than a bag of trail mix. It’s lightweight and compact, making it easy to pack and store in the car, and it doesn’t require refrigeration – just put it in a ziploc baggie and you’re good to go!

If possible, try to avoid unhealthy trail mixes from the grocery store. 

Instead, make your own trail mix with balanced nutrients – including dried fruits (raisins, cranberries, apples, apricots), seeds (pumpkin, chia, sunflower, hemp), and nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashews). 

Of course, you can’t forget the chocolate – just go easy on it. 

2. Granola Bars & Protein Balls

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Granola bars are a parent’s best friend when out on the road – for both them and their children. Some healthy, kid-friendly granola bars include Phyter Plant-Based Bars, Nākd Bars, and Kashi Granola Bars.

If you really want to go above and beyond, make your own granola bars at home. 

Or, better yet, surprise your children with some homemade protein balls – which are usually made out of a combination of nut butters, oats, protein powder, seeds, dried fruits, honey, coconut, and chocolate chips. 

Protein balls are always a hit because of how nutrient-dense, portable, easy, and tasty they are. They offer a quick and sustained energy boost, while also providing a balanced mix of protein, carbs, and fats.

1. Water, Water, and More Water

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All this talk about food and snacks is making me thirsty – and it’ll make your children thirsty, as well! 

Staying hydrated is mandatory when on the road, especially for kids who aren’t always able to recognize the signs of dehydration – which include headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and dry mouth, skin, or lips. 

Not only that, but hydration plays an important role in immune function – which helps to ward off illness during travel. And in warmer climates, staying hydrated helps prevent heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

So, make sure your kids never have to go without water during your family road trip!

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Other Essential Tips When Traveling With Kids

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We know what to pack, we know how to entertain, and we know how to satisfy their hunger and thirst – but there’s still a lot to learn before hitting the road, Jack, and experience is often the best teacher. 

But don’t worry if this is your first road trip – that’s what we’re here for. 

Our mama experts have the experience you’re looking for, and they’re more than happy to share some of their most prominent tips with you – that way, you can make this family road trip the best trip of all time.

With that said, le’ts take a look at what you can do to make this journey fun for everyone involved. 

5. Do Most of the Driving at Night

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This might not always be possible, but if you ever have the option of doing all or most of your driving at night – take that opportunity every single time because it’ll make the trip smoother and more manageable.

And there are several reasons why. 

For starters, your children will be more inclined to sleep a majority of the way due to the darkness, quiet environment, and lack of distraction. If you’re trying to avoid the inevitable chaos, this is your chance. 

Of course, there are other benefits – such as reduced traffic, faster travel times, having to stop less frequently, cooler temperatures, and you won’t be wasting valuable sunlight sitting inside a car. 

4. Save the Fun for When They’re Bored

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As much as you want to bring the games, toys, and activities out the moment you get in the car, it might be worth it to wait until your child gets bored of themselves, the scenic views, or your personal attention.

It’s like they say – if it’s not broken, don’t fix it. 

Let’s say you have a six hour drive ahead of you. Bringing the toys out right away means they’ll likely get bored of the toys by the two-hour mark – and then they’ll be so full of excitement that they’ll get fussy. 

Instead, let them enjoy the sights and sounds from being on the road. They’ll eventually get bored of it, but you’ll be able to knock out a few hours before you introduce the toys, games, and activities. 

3. Make a Fun Road Trip Map

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Creating a fun road trip map helps build excitement and anticipation for the journey by showing kids the route and key stops along the way – allowing kids to follow along and feel involved in the travel process.

And there are several ways to go about it. 

You can draw a map of the route yourself, and make it basic enough that your child understands. Or you can print out an actual map and highlight the route – turning it into more of a geography lesson. 

Another neat idea is to take a long, thin strip of paper and list the stops from left to right (separated by small dots). Hang the strip of paper inside the car (the ceiling is a good spot) and update the progress!

2. Introduce a New Surprise Bag Every Hour

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Surprise bags are one of our favorite ideas for a family road trip. The idea here is to fill a brown paper bag with a mixture of goodies – it could be games, toys, activities, snacks, and whatever else your kids like. 

Depending on how many goodies are in there, it should keep them occupied for an hour or two. 

To enhance the experience and keep your children busy, create a new surprise bag every hour or two – you can pre-make them before you leave so they’re ready for your child to enjoy once on the road. 

1. Don’t Be Afraid to Take the Scenic Route

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Before we say anything, let us first say that safety is always what’s most important when on a family road trip. With that said, any chance you get to take the scenic route (safely), never give up that opportunity.

You’ll enjoy it, your kids will enjoy it – everyone will be happy!

Scenic routes often feature stunning landscapes, such as mountains, forests, lakes, open fields, and coastlines – providing visual enjoyment and breaking the monotony of highway driving. 

The changing scenery keeps kids engaged and interested, reducing boredom and restlessness during long drives. They’ll also get to learn about a wide range of different natural environments and wildlife. 

Make This the Best Family Road Trip Ever!

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Road trips with children offer a unique opportunity for families to bond with one another, and provide an adventure that few other experiences can match – ultimately creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Of course, that’s not all a family road trip can do for you and your children. 

Traveling to new places offers children the chance to learn about geography, history, and different cultures in a hands-on way. Just think about all the off-the-beaten-path destinations and hidden gems you’ll find.

Local foods, natural landmarks, cultural differences – there’s so much to discover!

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And if you end up needing some more tips or have any questions about how to make this the best family road trip of all time, feel free to ask our online community of mama experts at Answers by Mamas Uncut.

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