Mamas Uncut

30 Extreme Piercings That Will Make Your Teeth Hurt

Most folks stop at their ears but many people have embraced extreme piercings in recent years. Gauges, jewelry that stretches the pierced holes, account for the majority of these piercings. However, you also find studs popping out of people’s skin in the form of subdermal implants that anchor the jewelry to the skin. Most people with over-the-top piercings are in the body modification, AKA body mod, community. This is due to the extremity of their piercings which dramatically alter the site they inhabit.

We wanted to learn just how wild extreme piercings can get so we looked to social media to discover emerging trends and standout piercings. What we discovered both scared and shocked us. This being said, extreme piercings are not for the faint of heart as they appear rather graphic and surprising. Proceed at your own peril. So, if you’d like to see some haunting images, you’ve come to the right list. Let’s take a look at some scary stuff!

Take a Deep Breath & Then Check Out These Nuts Extreme Piercings!

A Lot to Unpack

30 Extreme Piercings That Will Make Your Teeth Hurt
@ipaulypaul (Source)

If you’ve ever wanted an extra set of nostrils, you are in luck! You can do as this person has done and gauge holes on his nose and also through his chin. Yikes!

Protect That Neck

@titaniumlausanne (Source)

Yes, you can get your neck pierced. Here’s a universal piercing that replaces any need for a necklace. Beware of zippers with extreme piercings like these.

More Neck

@extremebodypiercingcentral (Source)

Ever felt the urge to lace your neck up? We are doubtful many folks have but this person has made it a possibility with four extreme piercings in the neck.

Wink Wink

@extremebodypiercingcentral (Source)

It’s possible to get your eyelid pierced. Who thought this was a smart idea? We imagine infections at this site are very much possible with the extreme piercings so close to the eye.

Say Cheese!

@luna_summers_tattoo (Source)

Here’s a piercing that’s called a “smiley.” These sorts of piercings pierce the tissue between your lips and gums.

Put a Ring On It

@gumuseviisparta (Source)

Who needs rings when you can easily have your finger pierced. We don’t understand the appeal of this baby. Can you put your finger on it?


Yes, you are seeing six different extreme piercings in this person’s tongue. Do you think this decision was made in good taste?

Go Big

@bodymodificatioon (Source)

Here’s one stretched earlobe that is just so extreme. If you want a piece of jewelry the size of a dinner plate hanging from your ear, now you know that it’s possible!

“Mutant Man”

@mutant_man_official (Source)

This person’s Instagram handle is Mutant Man Official. We must say he does not resemble anyone we know! If you can touch it, apparently it’s possible to pierce.

Brace Yourself

@piercingsworks (Source)

This person has a whole lot of gauges going on. The extreme piercings in his ear nearly make them unrecognizable.

Who Needs Hair?

@street_shots_photography (Source)

Who needs hair when you can have a metal mohawk? We find subdermal implants beneath each spike to anchor these to the skin. Do you think this person sleeps with the spikes on?

RELATED: 25 Extreme Face Piercings That Are Anything But Superficial


@george_kosmetatos (Source)

We find a couple of extreme piercings in the form of subdermal implants on this person’s head. They look like little mounds or horns. Also, take note of the three piercings through the bottom lip.


@mouthmattersuk (Source)

Here are some examples of piercings you can get in your gums and teeth, because, why not? People have figured out how to pierce just about anything.


@modifiedsickboy666 (Source)

You can mimic a rhino with your very own piercing through the tip of your nose. Ouch! We hope the person with this nose piercing is happy with it!

Give a Hand

@becky.h18 (Source)

Not even the webbing between your fingers is safe from the needle! We find extreme piercings in the form of subdermal implants.

This Looks Surgical

@extremebodypiercingcentral (Source)

We guess you can bore a hole through your foot. We’re not sure how this person even walks on it.

Take a Deep Breath

@insta_body_mod (Source)

This is nightmare fuel. Giant gauges in the cheeks make this person’s face see-through. We don’t know how this person eats with these extreme piercings. We definitely do not want to find out!

Right Through the Face

@beautalitytat2 (Source)

Here’s a piercing that goes from beneath the tongue through the bottom of the chin. If you maintained consciousness so far, we’re impressed. Seeing a person impaled through the face is not a pretty picture.

Nothing That Dangles Is Safe

@mattkeefe_ (Source)

Yep, folks get their uvulas pierced. It’s one of the extreme piercings that we have no idea how piercers don’t get their fingers bitten off. Scary stuff!

Collar Bones

@extremebodypiercingcentral (Source)

The person who shared this image claimed that the piercings go underneath the clavicles. So, this is more like a crime scene than extreme piercings. Ow!

Metal Eyebrows

@pierce_moi_by_imane (course)

Who needs real eyebrows? They’re overrated, right? We find them replaced with tattoos and a row of piercings beneath some subdermal implants among other extreme piercings.

Another Look

@pierce_moi_by_imane (course)

Here’s another look at the same individual. We did not think you got the full picture from that profile photo. So, feast your eyes on all of these extreme piercings.

Right Through the Nose

@sarah_gregory13 (Source)

You can get your nose pierced in a variety of ways but you can take it to the extreme by going through your entire nose with a bar. Conversely, you could get both nostrils pierced in the same place.

This Poor Tongue

@extremebodypiercingcentral (source)

That’s four extreme piercings underneath the tongue for this individual. Should you want to brutally maim the underside of your tongue, now you know that it’s more than possible!


You could spend the better part of an afternoon counting all of the extreme piercings on this person’s body. Each stud represents a subdermal implant that’s shoved under the skin to anchor each little shiny stud.

More Nose

@syl43mc (Source)

Flu season must be a doozie for this person who has two stretched nostrils. He’s put a straw through to demonstrate that the piercing goes entirely through the nose.


@insta_body_mod (Source)

You can make your cheeks look like swiss cheese with a ton of extreme piercings like these. Is supposed to look like a smile?


@dadswoodworking (source)

We find a stretched lip among other extreme piercings in this image. We honestly wonder how someone can speak with something like this in.

Between the Bars

@soconspicuous (Source)

This person clearly wants to protect his eyes behind a set of bars, right? The person in this photo does not look too happy about it. We hope everything works out!

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: 25 Hand Piercings That Give Ring Finger a Whole New Meaning

Down the Spine

@bepierced1 (Source)

This person must be a stomach sleeper because these extreme piercings down the spine look like they would really hurt to land on. Keep it weird, folks!

There you go! We hope you enjoyed this possibly debilitating list of extreme piercings. As you’ve seen, just about anything and anywhere can be pierced. Where there’s a will there’s a person waiting with a needle to give a poke. Extreme piercings are a huge trend among members of the body mod community. We respect their choices despite not fully understanding why! Do you!

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