Mamas Uncut

My Ex-Husband Should Still Be Paying Child Support Even Though I Recieve SSI… Right?

A mom writes in asking for advice about child support. She wants to know if her ex-husband is still obligated to pay child support even though she receives some Supplemental Security Income (SSI). She specifies that she only receives $150 a month in SSI, while his child support should be $300 a month. She adds that he is already $21,000 behind in child support payments. Should she fight for the child support, or is she out of luck?

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A member of the community asks:

“Should my ex still pay child support?”

“My ex-husband thinks just because I get SSI for our son, a whole $150 a month, that he shouldn’t have to pay his child support. My ex is also $21K behind in support as it is. Yes, my son is grown, but he will never be able to live on his own. Am I wrong for telling him that he still needs to pay the 300 a month in support?

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Thinks Her Ex-Husband Should Still Pay Child Support Despite His Objections

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

My Ex-Husband Should Still Be Paying Child Support Even Though I Recieve SSI... Right?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“Your SSI has zero to do with his responsibilities to provide for his child(ren). If there isn’t a court order, I would certainly get one.”

“If it’s court-ordered, then no you’re not wrong. If your son is old enough that he is aged out of legal child support (usually 18 or through college), then it gets complicated. Morally your ex should always help support his child, but if your son is old enough then your ex legally does not have to pay anything.”

“Ask if he can survive on $150 a month and give him that reality check! Don’t allow this man to pray on your soul girl! You are doing right by your child!”

“I get money from SSI for my daughter through her father. Other than that, I have never received a dime. He feels that is his child support. I had to go to the SSI office and report that she lived with me and not him as he was collecting and spending her money for years without my knowledge of it. They wanted me to report him for fraud but I feel he is living his karma so we are even. I work 10 hour days to provide for mine. I am raising her to show her what women can do!”

“The benefits you receive are no concern of his. I believe he needs to continue to pay support for his child no matter what.”

“He can think what he wants and you don’t need to tell him anything. In my state (CO), there is a statute on the books that requires lifetime child support for disabled children. I found the statute using a Google search. I don’t know more details but I took the information to the child support office along with medical documentation and the ongoing child support was approved without my having to hire an attorney. Wages were garnered. There was no negotiation with him, there was an order from CS office, the employer was notified, he was notified and that was that. Our son was 21 at the time.”

“Well just to inform you. Every penny he pays, it is deducted out of your SSI. I learned this the hard way and owe SSI over $3,000.”

“That is your son’s money that he is owed. SSI is not a part of the equation.”

“He should support the child just as you do. If he feels differently tell him to take it to court and let them decide. He won’t get out of the back pay but they may adjust the current. (More than likely not but let him think so, let the courts be the bad person, not you.)

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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