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Influencer Emily Skye Is Loving Her Body After Unexpectedly Giving Birth at Home Without any Medication

Influencer Emily Skye Is Loving Her Body After Unexpectedly Giving Birth at Home Without any Medication

Emily Skye/Instagram

Unexpected; that’s how Instagram influencer Emily Skye would describe her second birthing experience after bringing her son into the world. As Skye revealed on June 18, she had given birth to her boy on the floor of her own home.

Now, the mom of two is reflecting on the unexpected moment she met her son for the first time. “Well THAT was unexpected,” Skye said on Instagram immediately following the birth of her son, who she named Izaac. “Little Izaac just couldn’t wait any longer to enter the world!!⁣⁣ I’ll share with you our birth story soon!! Be ready, it’s a wild one.”

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Emily Skye Is Loving Her Body After Unexpectedly Giving Birth at Home

And share she did. A week later, Emily Skye explained that Izaac made his way into the world on “the 18th of June at 4:45am unintentionally at home after an 1 hour and 45 min labor. He was born just over 2 weeks early weighing 7lb 5oz.”

In that same Instagram post, Skye, who is also the mom of a little girl named Mia, said her oldest child absolutely adores her new little brother. “Mia loves Izaac! She didn’t like him at first but now she can’t stop kissing and touching him,” the proud mom explained. “It’s a big adjustment for her understandably and she wants me more than ever right now.⁣⁣”

In a recent interview with People, four months after giving birth to Izaac, Skye is admitted that she “didn’t know the body could actually do that” as she reflected on laboring without medication or assistance. She also talked through the hours leading up to her son’s unexpected delivery.

According to Skye, during the afternoon the day before she gave birth, she did a workout with her daughter on her back. “I was feeling very heavy between my legs and down my legs, my inner thighs,” the mom of two explained. And because she felt different, she didn’t go to bed until late that night.

Little did Emily Skye know, four hours later she would have a newborn baby in her arms.

“I felt kind of weird and calm. I went to bed and woke up with some cramps, which I had been having for about a week leading up to [my delivery]. They were like period cramps that would come and go, but they got a bit more intense in the night. I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn’t.”

That’s when she started timing her contracting, finding them to be six minutes apart. After going around and making sure she had everything ready for the hospital, she told her partner that she was “98 percent sure” she was in labor before calling her birthing coach.

According to Skye, her birthing coaching told her to wait around for a little while before heading to the hospital, but it wasn’t long after that phone call that Skye “was leaning over the couch downstairs, and my daughter was climbing on my back — we were playing ‘horsey’ — and I started screaming ‘Get my underwear off!'”

Skye’s partner was on the phone with EMTs when he was asked to check to see if he could see his son’s head. “I knew by my partner’s face the head was coming out, he had gone white,” Skye told People. “He told the lady on the phone, ‘Yeah, I can see his head. It’s half out!’ Meanwhile, I’m roaring and my daughter Mia is screaming in horror and ended up running off and hiding because she was terrified.”

By the time first responders arrived, Izaac was already three-quarters of the way out and he was posterior. “His spine was along my spine, which is not ideal. All I was thinking was, I hope he doesn’t get stuck like my daughter did when I gave birth to her.”

Thankfully, Izaac was born a perfectly healthy baby, and Emily Skye, her partner Declan, and Mia couldn’t be happier. Skye also reflected on the moment she was able to collect her thought and take a shower following her unexpected labor experience.

“I went into the bathroom for the first time to have my shower and I saw myself in the mirror. I bursted into tears because I was so happy with what my body had done. I was talking to my body, saying: ‘You’re amazing. Thank you so much for doing this, for birthing my son.’ I just had this new appreciation for my body that I’ve never had before.”

The amazed mom said she’ll use her experience to make sure she’s never unhappy with her body again. “I said to myself if I ever feel I don’t like my body I need to remember this moment and remember what my body has done.”

Skye continued, she shared that she’s still learning to love her body and all it can do, not only for herself but to set a good example for her daughter. She’s also not in a rush to get back to her pre-baby body anytime soon, People reported.

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And life as a mom of two has been hard and an adjustment, but thankfully, Emily Skye is feeling good despite it all. “Sometimes [Mia and Izaac] will start screaming at the same time and I’ll just cry, but I feel really good mentally.”

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