Mamas Uncut

Embarrassed Memes For Every Mortifying Situation

Portrait of embarrassed dog hiding face with paw and looking at camera, copy space

We’ve all been there… Embarrassed memes capture that awkward, creeping feeling you get as you realize that you’ve made some sort of social gaffe. It can be an ill-timed laugh. A joke that’s punchline feels unfortunate in hindsight. A fall in front of your colleagues and peers. A moment when you screw up the whole professionalism thing. There’s no shortage of ways we humans can find embarrassing. That’s the excellent thing about embarrassed memes. They’re deeply relatable to a huge number of folks.

Unless you’re delusional, it’s very common for us to relive embarrassing moments again and again as our brains seem incapable of capping the shame we can feel. But, it’s fun to laugh about it sometimes too because we all do it. Let’s take a look at some refreshing memes that perfectly comment on those embarrassing moments we wish we could forget.

Find the Perfect Embarrassed Meme Below:

You’re Trying Your Best

Embarrassed Memes

No matter how many times you try and pump yourself up, the inevitable is bound to happen. Just go with it.

The Best/Worst Feeling On Earth


Does this happen to you about once a week? If not, you’re living life right. For the rest of us, the anxiety dreams are real.

How Alienating


Haunting! We’ve never related to anything harder than this puffy dog. We see you.

Questionable Choices and Public Shame


Have you ever been on the subway or bus or in a waiting room and you accidentally broadcast your music for all to hear? It’s never a great feeling and it’s always the artist you know better than to enjoy. You reap what you sow.

Buried With the Pain


It’s hard not to dwell, we can admit. But, you don’t have to bury yourself under the pressure of it all. This embarrassed meme might be relatable but we encourage you to not take yourself too seriously.

Never Fails


How many times have you said this or something similar? Why are we all destined to repeat this fate again and again? Ultimately, the cashiers have to be used to it by now.

Parents Living For It


Here’s one embarrassed meme that we know so many kids, as well as their parents, can relate to. Parents seem to thrive on their children’s discomfort in public. It’s only natural. You wouldn’t want the little ones getting an inflated ego or anything.

So Much Cringe


Sometimes the cringe just won’t leave you. In this embarrassed meme, we find a feeling many people must also feel. It gets better!

Kids Say the Darndest Things


Here’s a great embarrassed meme that comes from a tweet that went viral. We know we talked about parents embarrassing kids, but perhaps they are just getting their righteous revenge after stuff like this.

You Were Working So Hard!


If this has happened to you, you are most likely overthinking things. Go with the flow and if that doesn’t work send this embarrassed meme to express your inner thoughts.

RELATED: 25+ Smile Memes That Deliver Pure Joy

True, But Awkward


We get an assist from Harry Potter in this embarrassed meme about being an introvert. It’s fine. You’re fine. Just do your thing.

Making New Friends Is Tough Stuff


Have you made this face at work before? We all do it when we first start or after a new hire joins the team. It’s one of the great embarrassed memes to share with your coworkers (whom you know better).

Not a Great Feeling


Isn’t this just the worst? You’ve likely managed not to embarrass yourself just to discover that you’re awkwardly not separating as expected. It’s happened to everyone at least once, which makes this embarrassed meme relatable among a whole bunch of folks.

You’re Trying and It Counts for Something


You know, honestly, you could do much worse. Small talk is such a pain and some folks don’t have the gift of gab and that’s absolutely fine.

To the Oversharers of the World


You can turn an awkward situation on its head by oversharing. It’s a thing that folks with nervous energy often do. Please don’t hate the oversharer and, instead, hate the game.

This One’s For the Zoomers


How many times have you forgotten to check that box to turn your camera off while entering a Zoom meeting? It’s happened to most of us at least once and that makes this embarrassed meme a sympathetic one.

You Got the Look Together But Not Much Else


It’s fine! You’re looking great and doing you and that’s all we can ask. The fake nails and earrings added to this embarrassed meme are just perfect.

It Rarely Works Out, So…


Sometimes, things actually work out. It’s a crazy sentiment, we know, but it’s true. If you’ve ever landed a joke, you know the power you feel.

Just Some Nerves


We found a new respect for thrasher sharks after seeing this embarrassed meme. Just keep swimming, folks!

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: 25 Sad Memes That Are Unfortunately All Too Relatable



Finally, we leave you with an embarrassed meme of a cat who is hiding from an acquaintance. This furry friend makes for the perfect meme about not wanting to run into folks in public.

There you go! Now, you’ve got your hands on some embarrassed memes, you can share them when you feel overcome by the feeling. We all get embarrassed so it’s only natural that we vent those emotions into pop culture so that we can wallow in our shared defeat. It gets better! Just share a meme and find out how we’re all in the same boat.

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