Mamas Uncut

Elon Musk and Grimes Have Welcomed Their Second Child Together, You’ll Never Guess What Her Name Is…


First comes X, then comes…

Congratulations are in order for Elon Musk and singer Grimes after it was revealed by Vanity Fair that the couple has welcomed their second child together. In an interview with Vanity Fair, for which she is this month’s cover model, Grimes revealed she and Musk welcomed a daughter into the world via a surrogate in December 2021.

According to reporter Devin Gordon, this was news she didn’t actually want to become public. But while interviewing Grimes in her home, both of her children began to cry.

RELATED: Grimes Says Her Son Calls Her By First Name: ‘Being A Mother Feels Weird To Say’

Elon Musk and Grimes Have Welcomed Their Second Child Together, You’ll Never Guess What Her Name Is…

As a result, it was a secret she could no longer keep. “Do you have another baby in your life, Grimes?” Gordon asked.

“I’m not at liberty to speak on these things,” she begins, and then all in a tumble she says: “Whatever is going on with family stuff, I just feel like kids need to stay out of it, and X is just out there. I mean, I think E is really seeing him as a protégé and bringing him to everything and stuff.… X is out there. His situation is like that. But, yeah, I don’t know.”

The reporter admitted that they were “mortified” to have accidentally made a new mother feel “exposed and vulnerable.” Thankfully, the moment of a baby releasing her stifled cries and, what could only be assumed is a nanny, trying to calm her down breaks the tension between the reporter and Grimes and the interview continues.

“She’s a little colicky too,” Grimes says with a laugh before adding, “I don’t know. I don’t know what I was thinking.” This very special announcement comes two years after the ultra-famous couple welcomed a son into the world. A son they named, X Æ A-12.


X Æ A-12 is pronounced, “X A.I. Archangel,” or just simply X. Now, while speaking with Vanity Fair, Grimes also revealed the unique name they came up with for their daughter.

Elon Musk and Grimes have named their daughter, “Y.” 

According to Vanity Fair, there is more to it than that, but that’s what they call her. Their daughter’s full name is Exa Dark Sideræl. Exa is a supercomputing term, exaFLOPS, while Dark represents “the unknown.”

“People fear it but truly it’s the absence of photons,” the mom admitted. “Dark matter is the beautiful mystery of our universe.”

Sideræl is pronounced, “sigh-deer-ee-el.” According to Grimes, Sideræl is “a more elven” spelling of sidereal, which she defined as “the true time of the universe, star time, deep space time, not our relative earth time.” It is also a shoutout to Grimes’ favorite Lord of the Rings character, Galadriel, who “chooses to abdicate the ring.”

And it seems to be a trend in the Musk family. After all, Grimes, whose birth name is Claire Boucher, calls Elon “E” and she is known as “C” by her loved ones.

Grimes suffered a lot of complications while pregnant with their son. But because she and Musk wanted more children, they chose surrogacy as a way of expanding their family. Grimes feared even more complications should she get pregnant again.


As Grimes admits while talking with Vanity Fair, she, Elon, and their two children live a rather modest life. This may be a shock, considering Elon Musk is one of the richest men in the world. 

But as Grimes almost complains, you would never know it by their lifestyle. She recalled a time when her side of the bed in his home had a hole in it and he recommended that they bring her mattress from her home to replace it. 

“Bro does not live like a billionaire,” Grimes admits. “Bro lives at times below the poverty line.”

Even still, Grimes and Elon Musk have plans to grow their family even more. They hope to have three or four kids before calling their family complete.


And you may be asking, when did Grimes and Musk get back together? After all, they seemingly alluded to a breakup last year.

Well, it remains complicated. “There’s no real word for it,” she begins. “I would probably refer to him as my boyfriend, but we’re very fluid. We live in separate houses. We’re best friends. We see each other all the time…. We just have our own thing going on, and I don’t expect other people to understand it.”

However, Grimes admits they are happy with the way they have chosen to live their life together. “This is the best it’s ever been…. We just need to be free.” 

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