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French Woman Who Was Six Months Pregnant Mauled to Death by Pack of Dogs

A pregnant woman in France was tragically killed after being mauled to death by a pack of dogs.

Elisa Pilarski, 29, was walking her own dog when she encountered a pack of dogs. She called her husband, Christophe, at work to tell him that she did not feel safe after spotting them and he rushed to be with her, according to local newspapers.

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Elisa Pilarski Mauled to Death in the French Woods

Elisa Pilarski: French Woman Who Was Six Months Pregnant Mauled to Death by Pack of Dogs

When her husband arrived to check on his wife, who was six months pregnant, he heard their dog crying and found him lying next to Elisa who was covered in bites.

“I looked for her, I saw her 4×4… I walked towards a ravine, but about 30 dogs arrived so I moved away,” Christophe told BFMTV. He later found her body and added that bite marks were visible and her stomach was exposed from her clothes being torn off.

He ran to a neighbor’s home in search of helping, telling them that “my wife was killed by dogs.”

Pilarski had been walking in the Retz forest, about 50 miles northeast of Paris.

A medical examiner later determined that Elisa had been mauled to death.

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“The autopsy determined that the death occurred between [1 p.m.] and [1:30 p.m.] and was due to hemorrhage consecutive to several dog bites in the upper and lower limbs and in the head, some bites being ante mortem and others post mortem,” Frédéric Trinh, the prosecutor of the Republic of Soissons, said in a statement.

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It’s not clear where the dogs came from, though it’s believed they belong to a local hunting group based in a nearby village. The dogs were allegedly hunting deer in the woods.

Elisa’s family told La Rep des Pyrenees that she “loved life and was passionate about animals.”

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