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25 Amazing Egyptian Tattoos That Celebrate the Ancient Culture in Unique Ways

Tattoos have been found on Ancient Egyptian mummies buried 5,000 years ago, making them some of the earliest documented examples of cultures that practiced the art of tattooing. Now, you might be searching for Egyptian tattoos to learn more about this age-old practice, but we’re here to share with you Egyptian-inspired tattoos that celebrate the ancient culture. Pyramids, symbols, portraits of deities, and more are all on the table.

Egyptian tattoos have been a big trend among those wanting tattoos for years. These designs are rich with historical connections, making them appeal to history lovers, those with Egyptian heritage, and just about anyone who enjoys art history. We decided to round up dozens of examples to share with you to help inspire your next tattoo. Enjoy!


Egyptian Tattoos

Portraits of famed figures, gods, and goddesses are all popular among Egyptian tattoos. We find some really fine lines in this example that has some truly remarkable and delicate shading. We believe this is a depiction of Nefertiti, queen of the 18th Dynasty of Ancient Egypt.



Scarabs were popular amulets and impression seals in ancient Egypt. They represent a large body of ancient art. Archeologists also find them also in typography. They make for handsome tattoos.

The Pharaoh


The kings of ancient Egypt, known as Pharaohs, are popular Egyptian tattoo subject matter. This one constitutes a large part of a full sleeve on the arm. Look closely, and you will also see the symbol for the Eye of Horus.



Egyptian hieroglyphs are a formal form of writing for the culture that combines several different modes of communication. Symbols, drawings, and alphabetic representations are all employed. This one of a deity is a really cool Egyptian tattoo.

A Little Bit of Everything


This Egyptian tattoo contains elements of the subject matter previously discussed. Portraits, symbols, pyramids, and more all swim together in this fresh and dramatic design.



Thoth and Djehuty, both name the Egyptian god of the moon. According to the Egyptian Museum, the deity also holds dominion over “sacred texts, mathematics, the sciences, magic, messengers, and knowledge.” The deity is also the patron of scribes.



This Egyptian tattoo depicts the goddess Isis, the deity of fertility, motherhood, magic, and rebirth. Isis was worshiped throughout the Roman-Greco world alongside Greek and Roman mythology deities. One of the few Egyptian gods to have such widespread devotion.



One of the most popular Egyptian tattoos out there is of Anubis. The deity of the dead is often depicted as a Jackal.

Anubis Part II


Anubis tattoos are everywhere. He is such a popular character that you can find him tattooed in styles as varied as this bold example compared to the previous hyperrealism look.

Scarab Round II


Here’s another scarab tattoo that finds the symbol with its wings designed to have tons of texture. Scarabs are almost as popular as Anubis and represent some of the most beloved Egyptian tattoos today.



Cats were revered as protectors, and their remains were found alongside tombs in pyramids and beyond. Several ancient Egyptian gods were depicted and sculptured with cat-like heads, such as Mafdet, Bastet, and Sekhmet, representing justice, fertility, and power. This Egyptian tattoo highlights their importance.

Horus H


Horus is recorded in Egyptian hieroglyphs with the above symbol, depicting a raven. If you are looking for a simple but pleasing Egyptian tattoo, something similar could be perfect for you.



Cleopatra was Queen of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt from 51 to 30 BC and its last active ruler. After her death, Egypt became a province of the Roman Empire. Egyptian tattoos of her likeness are very popular today.

RELATED: Awesome Eye of Horus Tattoo Ideas

Microrealism Scarab


This Egyptian tattoo of a scarab is much smaller than the previous examples we shared with you. However, it’s the most detailed. Microrealism is a big tattoo trend today; we see it represented beautifully here.



Ra is the ancient deity of the sun that became one of the most important gods of the ancient world. Ra is often depicted with a falcon’s head and a human body, similar to Horus. In fact, the two gods were merged when Egypt adopted a monotheist religious shift.



Nekhbet was worshipped as a vulture (or eagle) goddess and patron of Upper Egypt (and the city of Nekheb). One of the earliest discovered Egyptian temples is a shrine to the goddess. She looks beautiful in this Egyptian tattoo.



“Bastet was the goddess of protection, pleasure, and the bringer of good health,” according to the Egyptian Museum. “She had the head of a cat and a slender female body.” She is tattooed here in explosive color that delights.

Oh, So Real


Here’s another Egyptian tattoo of Nefertiti; to be more exact, it’s a tattoo of a famous bust sculpture in the Ägyptisches Museum Berlin collection, currently housed in the Neues Museum. If you are into realism, do your homework to find the best artist for the job.

A Whole Mood


As far as Egyptian tattoos go, this one has it all. We have a Sphinx, a pharaoh’s bust, and pyramids all underneath a blazing sun. If your motto is “go big or go home,” something similar could be the right fit for you.

King Tut


Another wildly popular Egyptian tattoo depicts Tutankhamun, and more specifically, his golden mask, which is in excellent condition today. It was discovered in his tomb in 1922, and after 100 years, it still fascinates people.

Tut Part II


One of the most remarkable things about Tut’s mask is that is covered in gold. Thus, golden Egyptian tattoos of it are popular choices. You get the best of both worlds in this design.

Tut Times Three


Here’s yet another Egyptian tattoo of King Tut. We find his sarcophagus tattooed beautifully with plenty of minute details. What a winner!



We have seen the Ankh symbol previously in these Egyptian tattoos, but we wanted to present you with that puts it front and center. This gorgeous design is filled with hieroglyphics and other popular Egyptian symbols. How cool is that? The symbol is also called “the key of life” because it means “life.”

Sacred Eyes


As we mentioned previously, the deities Horus and Ra were connected in ancient Egyptian religion. These Egyptian tattoos feature the Eye of Horus and the Eye of Ra.

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Ra Once More


This handsome falcon character is another Egyptian tattoo inspired by Ra. We love the vivid colors used to bring it to life. Gold and red contrast remarkably well to make this entire design pop.

There you go! We hope you enjoyed these Egyptian tattoos and feel inspired to get your own. For even more ink inspiration, keep reading. We’ve Eye of Horus tattoos to share with you as well!

Take a Look at These Eye of Horus Tattoos for Ink Inspiration!

A Whole Mood


Pairing Anubis with the Eye of Horus is a popular trend among Eye of Horus tattoos. In this half sleeve, we find both characters with other Egyptian symbolism.

Clean Lines


Bold, black ink and clean lines make for a thrilling Eye of Horus tattoo. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel just find an artist with skill and your tattoo will look fantastic.



This person has taken the symbol and added a sort of three-dimensionality to this Eye of Horus tattoo. Feel free to work with a tattoo artist to help you create a one-of-a-kind design.

With Pyramid


In this hand tattoo, we find the Eye of Horus superimposed on a pyramid. It’s an interesting look with the addition of some colorful ink. If you want to go with color, something similar could be perfect for you.

With Anubis


Here’s another Eye of Horus tattoo that includes Anubis. To the Ancient Egyptians, Anubis was the god of the dead. The pairing makes for an interesting design that, clearly, many are attracted to.



Here’s a very cool design that includes a triangle that seems to glow thanks to the shading the artist has applied. The triangle is smart as it mimics the shape of Egyptian pyramids.

Eye of Ra & Eye of Horus Tattoo


The Eye of Ra is very similar to the symbol for the Eye of Horus. However, the difference is in direction. Traditionally, the Eye of Ra is symbolized by the right eye and is associated with the concept of Day while the Eye of Horus is associated with the left eye and is associated with Night.

With Some Blue


Here’s another example of something we’ve seen before with an Eye of Horus tattoo that contains blue pigment. It’s an interesting design that provides more visual interest than the black-only Eye of Horus tattoos.

With White Ink


Tattoo artists are experimenting with white ink more and more today. It can be used to provide a highlight as you see in the above example to great effect. If you’d like an Eye of Horus tattoo that really pops, request something similar.

Powerful Symbols


This person decided to get multiple symbols on the sternum. The placement proves a winning one for a bold statement such as this.

With Wheat


Grains were essential to ancient Egyptian life. Einkorn wheat and emmer wheat were both grown to make bread and feed the masses. Thus, wheat makes for an interesting addition to this Eye of Horus tattoo and brings added significance.



Lines that seem to radiate from this Eye of Horus tattoo bring further visual interest to the table. Consider something similar if you would like your tattoo to look even bigger.

Super Sharp


As we’ve already discussed, bold, black ink really makes a statement when it comes to Eye of Horus tattoos. You can’t go wrong with a sharp design with clean lines.



Micro tattoos are a huge trend today and represent an opportunity to get something small that really dazzles. You don’t have to go huge to make a statement and, in fact, sometimes going small makes a bigger impact.



We find the Eye of Horus tattoo encircled by a ring of fire which is both mysterious and visually stunning. Work with a tattoo artist with a point of view to come up with a design that’s totally your own.

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This Eye of Horus tattoo comes with a gentle reminder of your self-worth. “Everything you’ll ever need is already inside you,” it says.

With Fleurish


Here’s an Eye of Horus tattoo that really sweetened the deal with the addition of some fine lines that seem to wisp away from the central design. A triangle with some excellent shading has been added for even more interest.

For the Fingers


Here are more micro tattoos to feast your eyes on. We find them on the index fingers of both hands. Why not? Perhaps one is meant to symbolize the Eye of Ra as well.

With Some Color


One of the few examples we encountered with full color, this EYe of Horus tattoo appears to mimic traditional tattoo styles with bold shapes, primary colors, and simple precision. Throw it back, if you will.

With Flower


We find a photorealistic eye inside this Eye of Horus symbol paired with a gorgeous flower. Adding floral elements to any tattoo is a wise choice.



We find decorative elements added to this Eye of Horus tattoo including some architectural elements and tiny daggers. You get to make the rules and if you want to add more to your design, find an artist who can help you realize a balanced one.



This Eye of Horus tattoo comes with tons of texture thanks to the shading inside the triangle which is comprised of hundreds of tiny dots. Further, there are lines around the iris of the eye that also appeal.



At first glance, you might not even realize that this is an Eye of Horus tattoo. The lines that make the symbol are finer than most on this list and the addition of decorative elements draws your eye out. It’s an interesting concept that you might want to replicate in your own way.

Black & Red


Black and red ink look fantastic together for any tattoo. We find them married here in this Eye of Ra and Eye of Horus tattoo. The ankh or key of life is an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol that was most commonly used in writing and in Egyptian art to represent the word for “life.” We find the symbol resting beneath the two eyes in this example.

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Another example of how you can bring color to your Eye of Horus tattoo finds the eye made of gold. It’s a cool effect that you can work with your tattoo artist to achieve.

There you go! We hope you found some Eye of Horus tattoo ideas that will work for you. There’s no right or wrong way to go about just make sure that you’re expressing yourself to the fullest with your ink and you will walk away with a winning tattoo.

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