Mamas Uncut

Doctor Rescues 5-Year-Old Who Was Mauled By Pack Of Dogs Despite Living Thousands Of Miles Apart

After their 5-year-old boy was attacked by a pack of dogs near his home in Jamaica, Mikele Allen‘s family was not sure if he would make it.

But thanks to a generous doctor who lives in New York, the boy has a new lease on life. Mickele left a candy store when he was attacked.

Doctor Rescues 5-Year-Old Who Was Mauled By Pack Of Dogs
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Chief of plastic surgery at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, Dr. Evan Garfein, revealed how the boy was mauled by six pit bulls and appeared to be alone at the time.

“He lost a tremendous amount of blood,” Garfein said. “He was found by his brother with the dogs still attacking him.”

When Garfein first heard the story, he felt lead to help despite living thousands of miles away.

Due to his extensive injuries, Mickele would need considerable reconstructive surgery — and it would be costly. Thankfully, Garfein managed to raise $250,000 in donations to put toward Mickele’s medical care.

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Staff members at Montefiore Medical Center helped secure passports as well as medical visas for the little boy and his mom, Shereen Antoinette Grindley. And soon enough, they were both on their way to New York City.

And on November 20, the two boarded a plane for the first time, next to a nurse who’d been sent from Montefiore. The very next day, Mickele headed into surgery.

The 5-year-old spent nine hours in the operation.

“He had about 50 to 60 percent of his scalp torn away,” Garfein revealed to ABC News. “Most of his forehead, his left ear, part of his left cheek, major injuries to both arms and both legs.”

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His mother feels very appreciative of the kindness her son received.

“I saw him this morning,” Grindley revealed to the news outlet. “He is recuperating very fast, he is eating, he is talking, he is just amazing, amazing. I’m so overwhelmed.”

And while Mickele is doing better, he still has a long journey of healing in front of him. He is expected to receive multiple skin grafts as well as reconstructive surgeries in the future. That being said, the family is very thankful Mickele is alive — and thankful for all the support he has received from around the world.

“I’m so happy, where he is coming from and where he is now,” Grindley shared. “I just want to say thank you, thank you, thank you very much.”

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