Mamas Uncut

This Woman Says Her Doctor Refused to Tie Her Tubes Without Her Husband’s Permission, and People Are Rightfully Angry on Her Behalf

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A woman was enraged after an OBGYN asked if she had her husband’s permission prior to getting a tubal ligation.

The woman, known as Holli Would, thought it was an odd request to make, especially as it was her own body. She ran to Twitter to voice her anger and was met with resounding support.

Woman Says Doctor Refused to Tie Her Tubes Without Her Husband's Permission
Image via Twitter

In a February 24 tweet, Would alleged that her OBGYN told her if she wanted her tubes tied her husband’s signature was needed on the release form.

“I asked her if that was a law, she said it’s not but it’s their policy, ” the Twitter user posted, along with a selfie of herself dawning one angry scowl.

“My face has been stuck like this for 15 minutes,” she added. “I’m [expletive] pissed.”

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Over 200,000 people liked Would’s tweet and were quick to give her the support she absolutely deserved.

One user said: “Call your local news. Go viral if you can. Out them. Shame them for their outdated policies. Then find a new OBGYN.”

While another spoke from a medical perspective:

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The user goes on to say how it not only “medically unethical” but also, “extremely patriarchal.”

“The fact that this OBGYN does not believe that an adult woman can make her own independent medical decisions may not be illegal but is medically unethical and extremely patriarchal.”

“It’s scary to know that doctors violate their oath like this all the time just because they can.”

And that is that on that!

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