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Source Says Divorce Is the Furthest Thing From Anna Duggar’s Mind


Despite his past transgressions, his week stay in jail following his arrest, and despite the federal child pornography charges against him, Josh Duggar‘s wife of 13 years, Anna Duggar, is reportedly standing by his side.

According to a source who spoke to The Sun, Anna doesn’t have any plans when it comes to leaving Josh. In fact, the source claimed that divorce is the furthest thing from Anna’s mind right now.

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Josh and Anna have been married since 2008. Together, they share six children, with a seventh child on the way. Just days before Josh was arrested and charged with one count of receiving child pornography and one count of possessing child pornography, the couple announced that they were having a baby girl.

This will be the couple fourth daughter. It’s unclear how far along Anna is in her pregnancy. However, it is expected that she will still be carrying their seventh child when Josh’s trial begins in early July.

Anna Duggar/Instagram

On May 5, a week after Josh was arrested, a judge granted him bail but made it clear that he would not be allowed to live in a home where minors are present. As a result, Josh is currently wearing an ankle monitor and living with family friends. However, Anna and their children are allowed to visit Josh so long that Anna is always present. He is not allowed to visit any other children.

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“Anna is standing by her husband as she always has,” the source told The Sun. “She even accompanied Josh to Fayetteville on Thursday so he could turn himself in to authorities. Josh and Anna asked the family to pray for them, and said that they love them.”

And this is far from the first time Josh Duggar put wife Anna in a difficult position. Several years ago, it was revealed that an account owned by Josh’s email was found on the site known as Ashley Madison. The site was created for married individuals who were looking to be unfaithful to their spouses. He later apologized for being unfaithful.

It’s unclear if Anna and the children have already visited Josh since he’s been released from jail. If the 33-year-old is found guilty of the charges against him, he faces up to 20 years of imprisonment and fines up to $250,000 on each count.

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