Mamas Uncut

Did Jill Duggar Dillard Finally Comment on Her Alleged Rift With Her Parents on Instagram With a Quote About Trust?

Jill Duggar Dillard/Instagram

Jill Duggar Dillard and her husband Derick Dillard have had a strained relationship with Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar for some time, and it seems that Jill is finally speaking out about it, albeit in an indirect way, according to OK Magazine.

Jill, who opted to not spend Christmas with her family, posted a quote on Instagram which many believe to be a comment on her parents’ alleged controversial child-rearing methods. As the Cheat Sheet reports, one of those methods reportedly includes “blanket training,” a disciplinary technique that is used to “teach children obedience from a young age.”

RELATED: Jill Duggar Skipped the Holidays With Her Family as Rumors About a Big Feud Swirl

Jill posted the following quote on her Instagram story, which has since disappeared. It begins, “You cannot expect to have a close relationship with a teenager who, after all, is still the same person as the two-year-old you stuck crying into bed, the three-year-old you spanked and shoved aside, the four-year-old you wouldn’t listen to, the five-year-old you never shared beauty with, the six-year-old you found boring, or you ‘trained’ never to butt in, but never gave time to make a cozy and beautiful background out of which you could talk to him or her.”

The quote, by Edith Schaeffer, continued:

“[G]reat moments of trust and confidence do not spring out of concrete. They need a long time of being planted, fertilized, weeded, watered, warmed by sun and cared for lovingly before they become mature ‘plants’–plants of understanding communication and loving relationship. If you never have time to enhance moments together by making some preparation for beauty as well as for meeting necessities you are apt to miss altogether the spontaneous response and opening up of the personality which this would bring.”

Was Jill Duggar’s Quote About Trust a Response to Her Alleged Rift With Her Parents?

Derick, just before the holidays, gave some insight into what caused the rift when he posted a comment accusing Jim Bob of stealing their money, OK Magazine reported. Derick claimed that Jill’s father had been negotiating the children’s contracts for their TLC show Counting On without their permission.

Did Jill Duggar Dillard Finally Comment on Her Alleged Rift With Her Parents on Instagram With a Quote About Trust? | "You cannot expect to have a close relationship with a teenager who, after all, is still the same person as the two-year-old you stuck crying into bed, the three-year-old you spanked and shoved aside..."
Jill Duggar Dillard/Instagram

Additionally, Cafe Mom reported that Derick also alleged that they are not allowed to visit Jill’s family without permission from Jim Bob.

However, while Derick has been more direct and open in his comments, Jill has never commented directly or indirectly about the familial rift until her recent post. Jill, a mom of two, has been focusing on her husband and children over the past few months as the separation from her greater family continues.

As Derick explained in another comment, he and his immediate family celebrated Christmas at their house with a few international friends.

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