Mamas Uncut

Can Daycares Require Kids to Wear Masks During the Pandemic?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her daycare. She says her son’s daycare, which is operating as an “essential business,” has decided to require all children in their care to wear masks at all times except for snack time and lunch. This mom is looking for thoughts and feedback on this requirement.

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A member of the community asks:

“Should daycares be allowed to make children wear masks due to COVID-19? My son’s daycare got an exemption for essential workers. The daycare has now decided to make the children wear masks all day in the exemption of snack time and lunch. Do you think it’s fair to make a bunch of small children wear masks for 9 hours a day?”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Wants to Know if Her Daycare Can Require Her Son to Wear a Mask

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

Can Daycares Require Kids to Wear Masks During the Pandemic?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“I doubt a child would allow something to be on their face like that more than 2 minutes anyway haha. How ridiculous.”

“I’ve worked at a daycare in the past & can honestly say I was sick most of the time, that’s while having a strong immune system. Parents take their kids to daycare even with a fever, just give them medicine beforehand & drop them off. Runny nose? Oh well mama has to work. BUT to have a child keep a mask on sounds impossible & mental torture for the little ones. Kids, especially the littles, lose their socks, hair ties, toys, even their diapers, but to keep a face mask. Good luck.”

“It’s sad that it’s come to this. Yes if my kids had to be in daycare or school I’d want them & everyone around them to wear masks.”

“My son is 2.5 with breathing difficulties due to having a small lung still from being born underdeveloped. I’m so glad he’s an at-home baby. That mask will kill him. He doesn’t leave the house unless he has too. Yeah, I understand adults wearing them but kids don’t care. They don’t listen to keeping their socks on. How do you plan on doing this?”

“The CDC states children 2 and under shouldn’t wear masks.”

“I’m 33 and I wear a mask at work (it’s required and I have an Infant) and I absolutely hate it and can’t breathe, but I do it for her. If I can’t breathe you can’t except a kid too. Should not be required in the daycare.”

“Yes, I think they should kids carry it just like adults. However, I think it will be a hard task getting the kids to keep them on.”

“Sounds kind of ridiculous honestly. Just by touching the childs mask multiple times a day will defeat the purpose…”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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