Mamas Uncut

Is It Right For Daycare Teachers to Be Posting Other People’s Children on Their Social Media?

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QUESTION: How would you feel if your child’s daycare teacher was posting them on their personal social media?

“How would you feel if you found out a daycare employee was posting photos (several photos) of your child on their personal social media account without your permission?”

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Is It Right For Daycare Teachers to Be Posting Other People's Children on Their Social Media?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“I would NOT be okay with that. For preschool and school for my kiddos we had to sign permission waivers for our kids to be on social media. I’ve heard the same for local day cares around here.”

“That’s illegal… I was a daycare provider both in home and at a facility. I had to have permission (written and on file) to even take pictures for the classroom bulletin board.”

“Ummmm, as long as they were in good taste, a loving manner, no picking or ill intent I’d probably be o.k with it. I only say this because her teachers have posted pix of her without permission and i was ok with it”

“I would not be ok with that. If i did not give my permission, then i would be having a big talk with this person and the supervisor of the daycare.”

“I used to work at a daycare and we always took pictures and videos of the kids and posted on our social media and sent them to the owner and parents and we had some of the parents on our social media so they can see the kids.”

“Why she would. I personally believe work and home should be separate. I don’t even post my friends kids when they are with mine unless she approves.”

“Even of you’ve signed a waiver for photos, that is NOT for the employees use in ANY circumstances. Report this to her boss immediately. Not ok.”

“Usually they send papers for you to sign saying they can don’t they if not that’s a big issue.”

“I’d be calling the cops. They can’t do that unless you’ve signed papers saying it was ok. They can’t even post to their daycare page without written consent. You even have to do that for school!”

“Even my kids preschool and grade school have a questioner about using pictures. Its illegal to post pictures without parents permission.”

“That’s highly illegal, my mother does home daycare since I was a baby 25 years and she has a application for a new potential kids and one of the questions on the application is about photography.”

“I would be unhappy. They do not have permission to be posting photos of my child on their Facebook.”

“You need to report them and then report them to state. It’s a rights violation and she can be put on the abuse registry and never work in day care or health setting.”

“As an RECE who works in the field, this is a breach of contract and confidentiality. We are not even supposed to have our personal phones on us during work hours, let alone be taking pictures of the children in our care and posting it. It should be reported. Yes, most places have you sign a form that your child is allowed to have their pictures taken, however, those pictures should not be taken with personal devices. In most cases the centre would have a work tablet etc, and the pictures you are given permission to take should only be posted to a work related newsletters, twitter ect.”

“I think at the beginning of the year they ask for permission for photos. I don’t think it would be an issue if it was big group photos, or of them all working on something. But if it was only one kid and stuff then I’d have an issue unless it was in the classroom only.”

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