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My Child’s Daycare Provider Tested Positive for COVID-19: What Should I Do?

My Child's Daycare Provider Tested Positive for COVID-19: What Should I Do?

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QUESTION: My Child’s Daycare Provider Tested Positive for COVID-19 While My Son Was in Their Care: How Should I Handle This?

“Hey, mamas. We just received word that our daycare provider tested positive for COVID-19. On the day the provider started having symptoms, our son was at daycare.

Since then, our son has had a runny nose and has been sneezing (no fever), and it has me worried even though it may not be COVID-19.

Has anyone else had their daycare provider test positive? If so, when did you have your babe return to daycare?”

RELATED: I Can’t Decide Whether to Send My Son Back to Daycare or Not Given COVID-19: Advice?

My Child's Daycare Provider Tested Positive for COVID-19: What Should I Do?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“I keep seeing questions like this. Call your pediatrician with these questions and have your child tested. You should also get tested. Your family needs to quarantine because you have been exposed to a confirmed case.”

“I wouldn’t test if they’re not showing symptoms. Just take precautions yourself and wear masks. That’s what my daughter’s doctor said after I and my oldest tested positive.”

“If your child was exposed to COVID-19 and is now having symptoms of an illness I’d have them tested before they go anywhere…”

“I work at a daycare and we’ve had positive cases from children and staff. It never spread thankfully but yeah just monitor him. I personally took my daughter out of daycare and left my job on Tuesday. No longer will work there.”

“If she tested positive his whole class should be quarantined for two weeks. I am a preschool teacher who has been through two quarantines, I haven’t had it but had to quarantine because of coworkers. Keep the changing weather in mind for causes but definitely get tested if mommy-gut tells you to.”

“You quarantine for 10 days. She really shouldn’t have had your son there when she knowingly had symptoms, that sits wrong with me but it’s too late to do anything. Good luck mama!!!”

“I would call your pediatrician and have him tested. It should be at least 2 weeks, since he’s had direct contact and symptoms.”

“Son is in kindergarten and both teacher and teacher aid tested positive. They closed the class for 2 weeks. We monitored our son and ourselves during that time. He did start with a mild runny nose and complained of a sore throat. That night he took a warm shower and we ran the humidifier all night. Next day he was like nothing. I’m not sure where the sore throat and congestion came from, probably from the weather and heater running in our house. But our son was okay and went back to school after the 2 weeks when they reopened with different teachers for the time being until his teachers are ready to come back.”

“Anytime someone has tested positive for COVID-19 whether it was a teacher or a child at my son’s daycare the daycare had to shut down and follow CDC guidelines and everyone had to quarantine for 14 days before they could even return.”

“My child was quarantined in November from direct contact with a positive case at her daycare and we never had her tested; we just quarantined and monitor. I wouldn’t recommending testing unless symptoms start to appear because testing is very traumatic for children. Also who’s to say when they’re tested it’s negative and a few days later they start showing symptoms and pop positive and you’d have to test them twice.”

“Ours did. We quarantined with baby for 14 days and then went back. Ours also had a runny and cough. He was tested and was negative. Hope that makes you feel a bit better. Babies in daycare are hard to know if it is covid or just the normal germs they get from daycare.”

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