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Mom Had to Go Off and Cry When Her 21-Year-Old Son With Autism Asked His First Heartbreaking Question

David Bloch: Mom Had to Go Off a Cry When Her 21-Year-Old Son With Autism Asked His First Question and It Was Heartbreaking

Kerry Bloch/Twitter

A mom went viral on Twitter after she revealed her 21-year-old son with autism asked her a question for the first time ever.

In an interview with Buzzfeed, Kerry Bloch said her son first started showing signs of autism around the age of 4. Her son, David Bloch, was her miracle child, after giving birth to him at 40 years old. She said David was progressing like any other kids when all of a sudden he just shut down.

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“My husband and I, we don’t really know what happened. And honestly, we don’t care what happened. It’s water under the bridge and we’re just moving forward and trying to give him the best life possible. That’s all that matters.”

According to Bloch, David only ever communicates in one-word sentences. However, as she revealed on Twitter, the day before Halloween, David asked his mom a question, a question that will hit you right in the feels.

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Bloch wrote on Twitter, “My 21-year-old autistic son has no communication skills. Today he asked me his first question ever. It was. ‘Would someone like me?'”

She told Buzzfeed that while she was so proud of her son for stringing a sentence together, the sheer magnitude of the question made her “go off and cry when he didn’t see me because it’s just kind of bittersweet that he’s trapped in there. He does want to be liked, and he does want friends, and he doesn’t know how to make them.”

Bloch told her son that she and his father didn’t just love him, but they like him as well, and so does God and Jesus. But the heartbreaking tweet ultimately led to thousands of people reaching out to David.

One Twitter user wrote, “Yes, you’re a beautiful human being.” And another one added, “Of course they would, and if they don’t, that’s their own problem.” And so many more simply stated how much the like David, some without ever having to meet him in person.

Bloch took to Twitter again to express how grateful she was for the kind responses, adding that she read every single one to her son.

“To say that David and I are overwhelmed by the response to this simple tweet is putting it mildly. Our hearts have never been touched like this. I am reading every reply to David. It’ll take time but know that every one of you have blessed us. Love you all!”

David even wrote a mass “Thank you” card for everyone who said something kind to him. Bloch told Buzzfeed that David wants to have friends “badly” but after he was diagnosed with a “severe immunodeficiency disorder,” he has been kept from the public in order to avoid an infected.

“He wants friends badly. He’s home-schooled, and it’s just the three of us. I know he’s lonely and he wants friends.” Instead, David fills his free time with watching his favorite football team, the Jacksonville Jaguars.

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In fact, just a few weeks before asking his first question, David spouted out his first spontaneous sentence, which according to Bloch, was “I love Jaguars.”

But it was the sheer fact of learning just how many people in the world like him and want to be his friend that forced David to smile more than he ever has in his entire life, his mom said. So sweet!

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