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My Daughter Told Me She Was Bi But I Don’t Think She’s Old Enough to Make a Decision That Big: Advice?

Daughter: My Daughter Told Me She Was Bi But I Don't Think She's Old Enough To Make a Decision That Big: Advice?

Blake Barlow/Unsplash

A mom writes in asking for advice after her 10-year-old daughter came out to her as bisexual. While the mom says she’s happy to know her daughter feels comfortable enough to go to her, she believes her daughter is too young to make a decision so “big.” Now she’s looking for advice on how to handle the situation.

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A member of the community asks:

“My 10-year-old daughter just blurted out to me that she’s bi. She says she has a crush on a girl. I told her I didn’t think she was old enough to make a decision that big yet, but that I was glad she felt she could come to me. My mind is kind of blown right now. Does anyone have any insight into this?”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Who Is Struggling with Her Daughter Deciding to Come Out as Bisexual at 10-Years-Old

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

She’s old enough to know is the general consensus from this group of moms.

One commenter wrote, “My daughter told me last month. She is 11. I can tell you now she has had two ‘girlfriends.’ I only allow hand-holding and she got broken up with by the last one two weeks ago and is still very upset, still cries. I would say if she is mature enough to think about the person’s feeling’s then she is old enough to figure out what she likes.”

Another mom wrote, “She is old enough to know her sexuality. I knew when I was 8 years old. Either support her in her journey or be prepared to lose her when she is older.”

And one person added, “Kids will experiment and explore, it is good she can talk to you about it. It may be nothing or it may be something, do what you are doing and if she says the same persistently then you know.”

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