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My 7-Year-Old Is Being Assessed for ADHD, But I’m Not Trusting the Process So Far: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 7-year-old daughter, who is being assessed by her teacher for ADHD. This mom says her daughter is smart and active but has problems listening to instructions sometimes. This mom asked her daughter’s teacher to fill out the ADHD assessment form, but upon receiving it, is unsure if she agrees with the assessment, as she senses some exaggeration in the answers. Is there anything this mom can do to help her daughter without going through this painful, frustrating process?

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A member of the community asks:

“My 7-year-old is being assessed for ADHD: Thoughts? My seven-year-old daughter is in the process of getting assessed for ADHD. She’s in grade one. She is a very smart and active kid but doesn’t listen to the instructions until I tell her a few times and can’t sit still unless if she’s doing crafts or watching her tablet and hyperactive most of the time.

I asked her teacher to fill out the assessment form, but I think she exaggerated the facts, and I don’t really agree with her. Is there any way I can help her own my own instead of letting her go through this crazy process of getting assessed, diagnosed, and to be treated differently? I am losing it and really stressed out. Any suggestions I can help her out of this?? Would really appreciate it.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Whose Daughter Is Being Assessed for ADHD

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

My 7-Year-Old Is Being Assessed for ADHD, But I'm Not Trusting the Process So Far: Advice?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“As a 1st-grade teacher myself, I don’t think a teacher would exaggerate facts. Teachers don’t take a job like completing these types of screeners lightly. If you asked the teacher for their input, I’d use it.”

“As a teacher, I can tell you that it’s highly unlikely that anything was exaggerated. The teacher has more time to see her in the atmosphere that requires attention, sitting still, following directions, etc. There’s nothing for her teacher to gain by exaggerating. BUT as a mother of a child with ADHD, I can see where it’s so easy to feel this way bc I have been there…

… There are certain things you can try to do to help her on your own. But I recommend also going ahead with the full assessment. Getting an opinion from the doctor won’t hurt. You don’t have to go straight to medication. I was completely against it at first but it was one of the best things I could have ever decided to do to help my son with school. He went from barely getting by to A honor Roll and AIG. I know it’s hard and it makes you feel helpless.”

“Most teachers have no reason to exaggerate. You may actually be in denial because it’s easier that way. I had my son assessed when he started kindergarten, and trust me, after he was diagnosed & we chose to medicate, his school days greatly improved. Work with your child’s teacher & doctor… it will make things a whole lot easier for everyone when y’all are all on the same page.”

“Finish the assessment and get whatever services are offered. Your child will benefit from the help early. I wish I’d gotten my son an IEP when he was that age but I thought it would get better with age. Now he’s almost 17 and still suffers from lack of focus and attention.”

“What would the teacher gain by exaggerating? Children often behave differently at home, there are fewer demands on them, they’re more comfortable, etc. Get the evaluation, you have nothing to lose and your daughter has everything to gain. If she needs help, the sooner she gets it, the better.”

“Please consider normalizing this very normal issue. My son has ADHD, and his life improved so much when we had him tested, diagnosed, and medicated. Now my grandson is showing strong signs of it as well-you can bet we will have him tested as well. Good luck!”

“Please do not stop the testing process. Early intervention is the best thing you can do for your child. If she doesn’t get help now, she’s likely to fall behind. By 4th or 5th grade, she may be miserable and lacking self-esteem. Address it now, and by 4th or 5th grade, she may have learned to manage her symptoms and behavior and be thriving.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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