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My Daughter Has Been Acting Differently Ever Since My Boyfriend Proposed to Me: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about how to deal with a situation involving her daughter and fiancé. She says her daughter and now-fiancé used to get along great and in fact be very close, but ever since he proposed, her behavior has changed.

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A member of the community asks:

“My daughter has been acting differently since my boyfriend proposed: Thoughts?

Hey, mamas, I need some advice. My daughter had always loved my boyfriend, they’ve always been super close. She’s always wanting to hang out with him and call him on the phone and says she loves him. Well, he proposed to me a few weeks ago with my daughter there, and since then, she has acted completely differently towards him.

She doesn’t wanna talk to him and acts like she doesn’t like him at all except for when it’s just the two of them in a different room, then she is just fine and plays with him until it’s the three of us then she acts as she hates him. I’m at a loss of what to do. I mostly think it’s just because she’s afraid things are changing so much. Has this happened to any of you?”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Whose Daughter’s Behavior Towards Her Fiancé Suddenly Changed

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

My Daughter Has Been Acting Differently Ever Since My Boyfriend Proposed to Me: Advice?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“He should have talked to her about this before asking for your hand, almost getting her permission. You guys are a unit, and he left her out of a major decision in your life.”

“Yeah I would like to know how old she is because maybe there was something going on that you didn’t know about and now she’s mad because he proposes to you. I hate to say that but this sounds really fishy.”

“She probably thinks he’s trying to take you away from her.”

“Sounds like she’s jealous and not of him, of you. Maybe she has a crush on him?”

“Hmm depending on her age if she is younger she might be jealous but I’d be really careful I hate to say it but something is off about this.”

“Maybe have a talk with her. Sounds like she knows something you don’t know. Look into this when he is not around.”

“Idk why this is raising so much alarm for some people… It’s probably just bc it’s a big change & she knows things will be a little different soon. Maybe try to do a lot of activities with all 3 of you & make sure she’s included & feels as such!”

“Wow. All of you women go to the worst assumption. It could be she loves him and is just jealous of her momma getting her first crush. It doesn’t mean he has abused her. She loves him because mom does and he is probably the best role model for this little girl. I remember having a crush on a grown man when I was 5. I was so upset he also proposed and I was furious! I would talk to either of them forever. This seems innocent, mom. Talk to your daughter. DO NOT LET THESE WOMEN POISON YOUR ENGAGEMENT BECAUSE THEY ARE NEGATIVE.”

“Definitely need to know how old she is. it sounds like she’s jealous that you and him are getting married … it’s like your taking her crush away from her… so it sounds like it’s something that will pass with time, and communicating to her that he loves her too all the same and nothing’s changing.”

“She’s jealous. That girl had a crush on him & is big mad that he proposed to her momma. Been there done that. Hell, my sister had a boyfriend when I was real little I had a crush on him & I was pissed when I found out they were a real thing lmao. I pretended to hate him so much.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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