Mamas Uncut

This Single Mom Got a Surprise $1,000 Tip Right Before Christmas: ‘Literally the Best Feeling Ever’

Daryl Collett got the best surprise this holiday season. The single mom and waitress got an unexpected $1,000 tip at the restaurant Ole’ Chobys, located in Milledgeville, Georgia.

According to the restaurant’s Facebook post, Daryl is currently working two jobs to support herself and her son, Cash, 3. Daryl works at a bank during the week and then at the restaurant during the weekends, according to WBNS.

Daryl Collett: This Single Mom Got a Surprise $1,000 Tip Right Before Christmas: 'Literally the Best Feeling Ever'
Daryl Collett / Facebook

“The table wanted to help someone who could use it, they called yesterday and reserve a table and said, our server must be Daryl,” the restaurant shared on Facebook of the strategically-planned holiday gift.

“We are so blessed to have her on our staff. Merry Christmas to everyone, this is what the season is all about!!,” they continued.

Daryl Collett / Facebook

Collett was touched that the table of eight thought to leave such a generous tip.

“Literally the best feeling ever,” she told WBNS. “I was shocked and happy and, like, I’m so emotional. I started crying.”

According to the restaurant’s general manager, Kayla Curtis, the party was inspired to leave such a big tip after hearing about a similar kind of story on social media.

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Daryl Collett / Facebook

“Someone said they saw a similar thing on Facebook and they wanted to do it for someone in need,” she told WBNS.

Whatever the inspiration, Daryl and her community are so touched that someone made the effort to do so something so generous, especially over the holidays.

“That is awesome…definitely well deserved,” wrote Will Jarriel on the restaurant’s Facebook post. “Thank you to the great group of people that provided. Y’all rock!!”

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