Mamas Uncut

This Dad Thought It Would Be Funny to Wrap Bricks Up for His Kids as Fake Christmas Presents, But It Didn’t Go So Well

Everyone has different holiday traditions, but one dad decided to try something different last Christmas and faked wrapped a gift for his two sons, ages 8 and 9.

He wrote a post on Reddit asking if he was an a**hole for “wrapping a fake present for my kids?” (Spoiler alert: Commenters deemed him a holiday humbug!)

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Dad wraps up a brick to prank his kids for Christmas, makes them cry.

This Dad Thought It Would Be Funny to Wrap Bricks Up for His Kids as Fake Christmas Presents, But It Didn't Go So Well
Credit: Reddit

The dad writes that his kids were both very excited for Christmas and couldn’t wait to open presents. They begged him and their grandparents to let them open one present ahead of Christmas and the dad relented.

They chose the biggest and heaviest package under the tree, but after spending several minutes unwrapping the gift, they discovered it was a brick.

“The look on their faces was priceless. Unfortunately, they were somewhat upset, tears were shed, etc.,” the dad wrote after they opened the gift.

The post garnered more than 4,000 comments, most of which deemed the dad an a**hole. “Because making your children cry is just hilarious. Hope his kids get him back next year,” one wrote.

“At that age, many kids might take that to heart and assume that’s all they get. I know you thought it was funny, but not cool,” another wrote.

“It’s like those fake winning lottery tickets. I just don’t see why another deep disappointment is amusing…” said another.

Perhaps, based on the responses, the dad’s gift-giving plan will be different this year.

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