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Dad-To-Be, Who Raised His Younger Sister, Storms Out of Doctor’s Appointment After Learning Wife’s Pregnant With a Baby Girl

Dad-To-Be, Who Raised His Younger Sister, Storms Out of Doctor's Appointment After Learning Wife's Pregnant With a Baby Girl


According to a 28-year-old anonymous Reddit user, her 33-year-old husband was not happy when they learned the sex of their unborn child. And as the mom-to-be’s post explained, she and her husband have been together since college.

The couple didn’t do anything special when it came to learning the gender of their first child. Instead, they opted for the simple way of finding out with their doctor telling them at their most recent appointment. However, the expectant mom was not expecting the reaction the dad-to-be had to the news that they were having a baby girl. “When the doctor told us we were having a girl I could see her jaw quite literally drop at the expression on my husband’s face,” she wrote.

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“He dropped the papers he was holding and walked out.”

After learning the sex of their child, the Reddit user said the future dad didn’t talk to her for the rest of the day. It wasn’t until they sat down for dinner that she addressed her husband. She told him that “if he was only planning on being a good father to a boy he should let me know now.”

The husband responded by pointing to his 20-year-old sister who was sitting on the other side of the table. “He sarcastically introduces us to each other as if we haven’t met and says, ‘That right there, in case you’ve forgotten, is a girl. Don’t presume to lecture me when I’m the only one of us who has ever raised a girl. I know what they are about.’ He apologized soon after and said he was just mad that I challenged him.”

According to the post, the soon-to-be dad’s father died when he was just 22 years old. And ever since, he has been running the family business with his two brothers and raising their younger sister.

The Reddit user described her sister-in-law as the “baby of the family” and someone who takes great pride in her looks. “I’ve never liked her,” she wrote, adding that “she makes comments like how I needed to get Botox because I was quickly looking to be older than my husband.”

Sadly, things haven’t gotten any better between the soon-to-be mom and dad.

“Since the announcement, my husband has been spending all his time in his office. He reluctantly agreed to post a gender reveal announcement. While he’s been affectionate when he sees me, he also has been making comments like telling me to stop eating chips because mothers who get overweight during pregnancy apparently pass on impulsive eating habits.

When I bring up anything remotely close to the baby, he shuts down completely and says he needs to go do some work. When I suggest therapy, [he] says that I’m the only one who seems to be upset around the house, but if I needed to deal with my insecurities, so be it.”

However, despite her husband’s reaction and her feeling towards his sister, the soon-to-be mom is excited that her sister-in-law has taken a liking to the fact that she’ll have a baby niece to love on soon. “She’s been picking out a lot of designer baby clothes and talking about taking our daughter to tap and ballet lessons.”

“But it worries me when I look at his sister because I almost hallucinate a future version of our daughter- heavily materialistic, financially supported by a man, and obsessed with her appearance. Am I biased in that other factors may have caused my sister-in-law to be the way she is? My husband is much more traditional than my own family, as of course, I would be raising my daughter too. And he is of course a great provider and I can’t deny the fact that my sister-in-law has had a lot of opportunities handed to her because of her brother’s backing and I’m sure he’d support any child of his the same.”

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She then asked other Reddit users if she should wait for her husband to come around to having a daughter? Adding that she “heard men bond after spending time with a baby.”

One commenter wrote, “I just feel like there had to be all kinds of little red flags of misogyny before this giant one he just threw in your face.” And many more suggest that she should push the option of therapy a little harder.

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