Mamas Uncut

Dad Shares Painfully Accurate Video of the ‘5 Stages of Working From Home’

Dude Dad

For parents who might not be used to working from home, getting into a productive routine can be a challenge, to say the least. One dad, Taylor Calmus has created a hilarious video about the unique hell that is working from home as a parent.

Calmus is a self-described, “actor, comedian, fabricator, and a father” who started his YouTube channel Dude Dad after the birth of his first child. In the latest video called, “5 Stages of Working from Home,” he nails what so many parents are currently encountering as they try to work from home.

In a very funny video, Dude Dad, Taylor Calmus perfectly captures the difficulties parents face as they work from home for the first time.

Dude Dad / YouTube

The first two stages of working from home, according to Calmus, are optimism followed by a workplace setup. Calmus proceeds to set up his home office by borrowing his children’s play furniture and stacking it to create a standing desk.

“I just know with the proper setup I’m going to be way more productive,” he says.

Things get decidedly less cheerful as the video goes on.

Dad Shares Painfully Accurate Video of the '5 Stages of Working From Home'
Dude Dad / YouTube

Stage three is titled “getting distracted” and Calmus shows himself playing with his children’s toys, making personal phone calls, randomly looking at Colorado real estate, and hitting on his wife.

As the distractions go from fun to honestly annoying for Calmus, he moves on to the fourth stage, “total frustration.”

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As any parent working from home knows, it can be a struggle.

Dude Dad / YouTube

We see Calmus try to feed his children during a virtual meeting and other tasks as he trips over his children’s toys. He finally exclaims, “I just need a quiet place to work!”

Then, we see Calmus hiding with his laptop in the bathtub followed by the sound of his children banging on toy instruments. It feels almost too real.

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The video concludes with the fifth stage of working from home, “working at night.”

Dude Dad / YouTube

The final stage of working from home is titled “working at night while everyone else is asleep.” Can we get an “AMEN!?” Calmus completely gets it and his funny video is just the thing you need to see to make you feel a little less alone in this moment.

We’re all doing our best to balance work and parenting and the new normal of working from home for many of us is not exactly a cakewalk.

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