Mamas Uncut

Texas Dad Told Mom He Was Going to Take His Daughters the Next Day—Police Then Found All Three of Their Bodies Under a Tarp

On August 27, the bodies of two young girls were found after their father had shot them before turning the gun on himself. According to the Hays Free Press, the bodies were discovered outside of their mother’s Texas home underneath a tarp.

Since then, the girls had been identified as 2-year-old Amyah Engleman and 6-month-old Caraline Engleman. Their 30-year-old father’s body was also found nearby. The reason why Kyle Brandon Grieb committed the murder-suicide has not been released.

Dad Kills Two of His Daughters Before Taking His Own Life

Texas Dad Told Mom He Was Going to Take His Daughters the Next Day—Police Then Found All Three of Their Bodies Under a Tarp

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As the Hays Free Press reports, Amyah and Caraline’s mother, Halie Engleman, told officers that Grieb stayed at her house the night before the murders took place. The dad told Halie that he had intentions of taking their daughters the next day.

However, when Halie woke up, she could only find Grieb. And when she has him where the girls were, he pointed to the bathroom, but they weren’t there.

After going outside to look for Amyah and Caraline, she returned to find their dad had also disappeared. It was around 10:10 a.m that Halie called police to report her children and their father missing.


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As officers responded to the call, so did some of their family members to help. It was those family members who noticed a body behind Halie’s home. A deputy overheard one of them say, “there’s a body out there.”

It was then that Grieb’s body was found under the tarp with a gunshot wound to the head before Amyah and Caraline were found will similar injuries. According to the Hays Free Press, Two other young children, 6-year-old Evelyn and 4-year-old Melody were also inside the home at the time of the murder-suicide. They both survived along with Halie.

A GoFundMe has since been created to help Halie, Evelyn, and Melody obtain “a vehicle for transportation, a home to reside in, fulfilling her desired career path, child care, and generally restarting their lives.” So far, the campaign has raised $2,200 or the $15,000 they are asking for.

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