Mamas Uncut

Dad Forgives Mom After She Allegedly Murdered 2 Babies In An Attempt To Sell Organs

Amanda Sharp-Jefferson is facing murder charges in the deaths of her two young daughters.

The mother, 26, is accused of murdering 2-month-old Lily and 1-year-old Rose last week.

Dad Forgives Mom After She Allegedly Murdered 2 Babies
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The mom later informed her kids’ father, Jaykwon Singleton, that their organs would be “worth a lot of money.”

Singleton told the news station that he left their home around 7:30 p.m. Thursday to visit his older daughter, Violet, who was staying with his grandmother. At that time, everything seemed normal.

The next day, Singleton returned to the apartment around noon near Desert Inn Road and Maryland Parkway and discovered his two daughters stacked on top of each other in a bassinet. He asked his girlfriend, Sharp-Jefferson, why the girls were stacked like that, but the mom merely “shushed” him.

When Singleton went to investigate, he found discovered that both girls were not breathing and their bodies were cold.

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He said that Sharp-Jefferson “kept shushing him and at one point, made a statement that their organs were worth a lot of money,” an arrest report stated. Singleton called 911, and a dispatcher later revealed they could hear him talking to Sharp-Jefferson while they were on the phone.

“She drowned them. … I feel like their mom drowned them or something,” he told police.

And while paramedics were immediately dispatched, they declared both girls dead upon arrival. The police report noted that Sharp-Jefferson was again overheard talking about how much her daughters’ organs might be worth. The mom was promptly arrested at her home and taken to Las Vegas Metro Police Department headquarters.

Authorities took the mother to the police station for questioning but also for her own protection as when other family members started to arrive, they became angry at the mom.

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In the police interviews, the mother informed authorities how she did not know who Singleton was and said she did not have any children. She additionally claimed how she lived alone in the apartment and that she discovered two girls, who appeared to be dead when she woke up that morning and walked into the living room.

The police report says that after finding her children dead, the mom did not call for help and instead, went to take a shower.

Sharp-Jefferson also stated how the whole thing was a “set-up” meant to make it look like she murdered the kids. She alleged someone must have entered the apartment and “set her up for the death of the two children, who were not hers.”

Police also asked the mother what she meant when she said the girls’ organs were worth money. She responded, admitting she “saw a movie where people made money on body parts after a person died,” the arrest report stated.

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Singleton told the news station that he and Sharp-Jefferson had been in a relationship since 2018.

During most of their time together, things were normal — until a few weeks ago, when Sharp-Jefferson’s behavior shifted. She began accusing Singleton of cheating on her “with his spirit wife.”

“She was going through a spiritual and soul type of thing,” the dad told Fox 5, “where she thought she wasn’t in this reality, she was in the spiritual and soul reality.”

He added that he felt like him “not coming back that night [Thursday] might have got to her.”

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Sharp-Jefferson denied being under the influence of drugs of alcohol, but police believe there may have been marijuana in the apartment. The mom was arrested last Friday and charged with two counts of open murder.

And while it is unclear what the mother’s motivation was or how the two girls were killed, Singleton tells Fox 5 how he’s attempting to move forward without his two youngest daughters by staying positive.

“That day when I’d seen them, I died. I still feel blank, I’m numb,” he revealed to the news station.

“I forgive her, I love her,” he said. “If I walk around with hate/anger, I’m not going to be able to get through this situation. I have to act like they’re still here because the only way I can carry on their legacy is to stay positive.”

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