Mamas Uncut

Dad Forgets Kids’ Elves In Oven But After Visit To The North Pole, They ‘Miraculously Recover’

Dad, Matt Hightower, from Overland Park, Kansas, forgot he put his kids’ elves in the oven, and long story short, they required a special trip to the North Pole.

Mom, Chelsea Hightower, shares how the day before the elves met their demise she put them in the fridge for a chilly scene.

Dad Forgets Kids' Elves In Oven, Takes Visit To North Pole
Image via Chelsea Hightower

“Matt was on Elf duty the next night and thought they needed to warm up after a day in the fridge thinking it was ‘a lot more toasty’ in there for them,” she says.

And while the idea was sound, the execution was poor as Matt forgot the Elves were in the oven the next day.

He was by himself when he was making lunch for their three kids, 9-year-old Braelon, 6-year-old Mattilyn, and 4-year-old Quinlan, while mamma Chelsea did some “solo Christmas shopping” at Target.

Image via Chelsea Hightower

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He was “going through the motions of getting them food, without thinking he turned on the oven to preheat and proceeded with his ‘hubby do list,'” she recalls. And it wasn’t until their oldest kid warned Matt about the tragedy unfolding that he realized what he had done. had made an awful mistake.

“Daddy!” he called out. “Who turned on the oven?!” Thankfully, their younger kiddos were in the playroom and did not witness the incident.

“So they only heard of their elves incident as Matt promptly got the elves out of the oven,” Chelsea shared. “And off to the ‘North Pole’ they went.” And after cooking their elves, Matt decided to call Chelsea and tell her the tragic news.

Image via Chelsea Hightower

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“Babe, I feel horrible. … I cooked the elves,” he told her. That began a whole new problem: the three-and-a-half hour search for brand-new elves.

“Thankfully Jingle, Belle, & Magic have made a ‘miraculous recovery,’” she adds, “and went back to their silly ways!”

Chelsea ended the post with some sound advice to parents: “To whomever this may help in this elf season BAKE COOKIES NOT ELVES!” she wrote.

Image via Chelsea Hightower
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